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esteemed by Col. Jones. What is done must be done soon. The Enemy, I
apprehend, understand the situation of affairs - at Pensacola nearly as
well as ourselves, and - doubtless, are only waiting to dispose of some
other part of their Programme.

The importance of Pensacola to the cause at large, and
especially to Middle and South-Alabama - and Mobile - cannot be over-
estimated. With a good General - and a well-armed force of 5000 men,
it could be maintained - in my opinion, against any but an
overwhelmng force. Surely, it is worth the effort, even though matters are
pressing elsewhere, that will secure that much.

From information which I rely - I respectfully suggest to the
President, that in organizing any Alabama Regiment at Pensacola,
it would receive the services of a valuable officer, if he would name
Capt. John R. F Tatnall - now - probably at Norfolk - as Colonel of
a Regiment. We have good raw material, but are very much in
need of well-trained - and competent officers. I do not know him
personally; but being anxious for the Cause only, and relying upon
such information as I can trust, I am desirous of seeing him placed
in Command of an Alabama Regiment, at Pensacola.

I am doing what I can to gather-up - & furnish to the men at
Mobile and Pensacola, country-Rifles and double-barreled Shot
guns newly repaired, but this - without prompt and active help
from the C. S. in the way of arms, will fall - far short of our
With undiminished Confidence - I have the honor to be
Your Excellency's ob't Ser't
(Signed) Jno Gill Shorter. c

Executive Department;
Montgomery, Alabama, April 22d 1862
Dear Sirs,
The Executive of the State has been informed that
you - as lessees of a Salt-well and fixtures in Clark County, have
a surplus of water which is not being manufactured into Salt. The
great want and dearth of salt in the Confederate States is
becoming a source of serious apprehension and alarm with all patriots,
and it behooves every well-wisher of our glorious cause to increase,
by every available means, the production of this article of prime

Appreciating - as I do - the just cause of this public
apprehension, I, as the Executive of the State, have felt it my duty to
address you - as good Citizens, and press upon your consideration
the absolute necessity that the quantity of Salt within the reach
of the people of Alabama, be largely increased. Supposing my
information to be correct, as to the surplus of Salt-water within your
control, I indulge the hope that you will be able, at a very early
day, to enlarge your works - to the utmost capacity of the water
you have. Should this not be the case - and should a
proposition be made to you from a responsible source, to employ - and make
available this surplus water - such proposition to be
reasonable and just in it terms - and should you decline to accept such
proposition; then I, as the Executive of the State, will feel it my duty
to seize your works, as a Military-public necessity, that the same
may be made completely subservient to the public welfare.

I invite - and will cheerfully await any explanations - or
propositions you may offer. Very Respy, Your ob't Ser't
(Signed) Jno Gill Shorter. c
Messr Dennis,
English &
Clark County,

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