Executive Department;
Montgomery, Alabama, April 25th 1862.
Hon. G. W. Randolph, Sec'y of War, Richmond, Va.
I, herewith, have the honor to submit accompanying
documents - received from Genl Goldthwaite - touching the case of
Charles H. Kellogg - who was arrested by ^order of^ Genl Beauregard), with
in our lines near Corinth, and sent, in charge of a Guard to this place,
being now under surveillance of the Prôvost-Marshall, by orders from
Maj. Genl Jones.
Mr Lapsley - the writer of the letter to Judge Goldthwaite, - is a
gentleman - well known to me - of the highest respectability &
position - an old resident of the State - and of unimpeachable loyalty. I
know the genuineness of his letter, and have no hesitation in vouching for
every fact stated by him - as of his own personal knowledge; neither
have I the slightest doubt of the genuineness of the other letters -
compared copies of all of which - including that of Mr Lapsley -
are submitted ; the originals, being retained in my possession.
I trust that it will not be deemed improper for me to say, that the
correspondence of Mr Kellogg - as explained by the letter of M Lapsley,
has produced - upon my mind, a strong conviction, that the
party-referred-to had no object or purpose - prejudicial to the
interests of the Confederate States, but that he is, at heart, well-
affected to the cause, & would rejoice in our success.
I shall forward copies to Genl Beauregard.
I have the honor to be &c-
Very Respectfully,
Your ob't Ser't
Jno Gill Shorter. c
Executive Department;
Montgomery, Alabama, April 25th 1862
Maj. Genl G. T. Beauregard, Corinth, Miss.
Sir, I herewith have the honor to submit accompanying
documents - recd from Genl Goldthwaite - touching the case of Chas H. Kellogg who
was arrested, by your order, within our lines, near Corinth, and sent in charge
of a guard - to this place, being now under surveillance of the Provost-
Marshall, by orders from Maj-Genl Jones. Mr Lapsley - the writer of the letter
to Judge Goldthwaite, is a gentleman - well-known to me, of the highest
respectability and position - an old resident of the state - and of
unimpeachable loyalty. I know the genuine^ne^ss of his letter, and have no hesitation in
vouching for every fact stated by him, as of his own personal knowledge
Neither have I the slightest doubt of the genuineness of the other letters -
compared copies of all of which - including that of Mr Lapsley - are submitted;
the original being retained in my possession. I trust that it will not
be improper for me to say, that the correspondence of Mr Kellogg - as
explained by the letter of Mr Lapsley - has produced upon my mind
a strong conviction, that ^the^ party referred-to had no object or
purpose in view - prejudicial to the interests of the Confederate States,
but that he is, at heart, well-affected to the cause, & would
rejoice in our success. I shall forward copies to the Sec'y of War.
I have ^the honor^ to be
Very respectfully
Your ob't Ser't
(Signed) Jno Gill Shorter. c
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