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Executive Department:
Montgomery, Alabama, April 25th 1862
Hon. A. B. Clitherall
The position of chief of ordnance for the State of
Alabama having been vacated by the resignation of Maj. Saml
B. Marks, this day, tendered and accepted, I beg to request that
you will accept an appoint^ment^ to fill the vacancy. If agreeable
to you to do so, I hope you will notify me of your
acceptance - and enter, at once, upon the duties of the office.

On presentation of this letter to Maj. Marks, he will be
authorized to turn over to you, all arms & ordnance-stores in his
possession; together with the books, and other memoranda,
in his possession - appertaining to the same
Very respectfully,
Your obedient Servant
Jno Gill Shorter. c

Executive Department:
Montgomery, Alabama, April 26th 1862
His Excellency Joseph E. Brown, Govr of the State of Georgia.
The last mail brought me a letter from Rome Geo., a copy of which
I herewith beg to enclose for your consideration. The suggestions I deem
important, but it would be indelicate in me, to make any
suggestions to the Secretary of War in relation to the Cavalry
Regiment of Col. Morrison camped at Cartersville, without
communication with you. If that Regiment, however, is armed, and could be
encamped at Rome, and employed in Scout-duty on your State-Road
and in North-East Alabama; it might, in this way, render valuable

I am organizing - here a Cavalry Regiment for Confederate
Service, which will, likely, be full next week; and when the
Government equips and arms it, the Regiment might be employed
- and should be employed in Scout-duty in the Northern part
of the State; and thus co-operate with Col. Morrison's Regiment,
if the Secretary of War shall so order
With high regards, I am Your ob't Ser't
(Signed) Jno Gill Shorter. c

Executive Department:
Montgomery, Alabama, April 28th 1862.
Hon. G. W. Randolph, Secretary of War, Richmond, Virginia.
I have the honor to enclose you, herewith, a copy of
a letter received at this Department, and, respectfully, beg leave
to call your attention to the suggestions of the same. Under the last
requisition made upon this State for troops, a Regiment of Cavalry
has been raised - for the Confederate Service, and will be organized
in a few days. I would respectfully suggest that this Regiment
be armed as speedily as possible, and employed in giving
protection to North-Alabama and the heavy interests - State & Confederate
- at Rome, georgia.
Very resp'y,
Your ob't Ser't
(Signed) Jno Gill Shorter. c

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