from similar Societies in the many towns, villages, and neighborhoods of this State. Almost every neighborhood has an organization to aid our brave Soldiers, and there are, it is to be feared, to many families in remote and obscure districts who are in needy condition and suffering from the absence of fathers, husbands, and sons now in the Camps, and to whom I would rejoice to send relief if in my power.
Upon an examination into the records and files of this Department I have ascertained that we have not the raw materials on hand for manufacturing of clothing sufficient to fill the requisitions of the various Societies in the State which ask the privilege of manufacturing the clothing free of all charge to the State. If we are able to have clothing manufactured at the cost of the raw material and freight charges only it is manifest that the State can furnish them at proportionally reduced rates to our troops. So long therefore as we shall be able to obtain clothing upon terms so honorable to our fair country-women and so favorable to our troops I cannot doubt that you will agree with me that it is my duty to do so. And if the public necessities require more rapid manufacture than can be accomplished by the aid socieites, the Quartermaster will be instructed to let our contracts, under proper safeguards to those who may be willing and able to meet requistions upon just and remunerating terms.
Inasmuch as I desire the decision herein announced, and the reasons upon which it rests may be fully understood by the Ladies Aid Society which you represent. I beg you to do me the favor to submit it to their society for their information.
I beg likewise to hand you herewith a check for $20 which I contribute from my own funds in aid of the Society, which please present with my thanks for all they have done so patriotically for our beloved State and my earnest wishes for their continued usefulness and efficiency.
Respectfully Yours (Signed) John Gill Shorter.
Executive Department, Montgomery, Ala., Dec. 14th, 1861.
Hon. Arthur F. Hopkins [check] Richmond, Va.
Sir ;
I enclose herewith a copy of "an act for the relief of the Sick Soldiers from Alabama" passed by our General Assembly since your departure from this City, - and additional to the act under which you were appointed Agent for the State to establish a Hospital in Virginia.
The act now enclosed provides for the establishment of a Hospital Depot at, or in, the neighborhood of Manasses, and for the appointment by me of an Alabama Physician to keep it and who shall have the rank and pay of Major in the Army, and to be paid monthly by my warrant on the State Comptroller.
This act is quite defective in omitting to make an appropriation for the construction or rent of a depot building, and I think you will agree with me that such an agent, if appointed by me under this act could not hold "the rank of Major" or any other rank in the Confederate Army, and further that the pay of Major would be an extravagant compensation for an agent who is to do nothing else but
9 receive, keep and distribute the Medicines or Hospital Supplies. It has occurred to me after mature consideration of the several acts of the General Assembly, that the humane purpose contemplated will be more fully reached by establishing the medical depot at the Alabama Hospital which you may organize, so that all supplies may be sent directly to the Hospital, where they will be as a general thing mostly needed, and to which place many articles would have to be reshipped if landed in the first instance at any other point. And articles designed and sent from the State for particular Regiments or Surgeons could as readily and under a more strict accountability be distributed from the Hospital by an agent appointed for that purpose by the Surgeon to the Hospital and which agent would be strictly accountable to the Surgeon.
This course I approve and reccommend and under the provisions of the act enclosed would cheerfully advance - say fifty dollars per month if so much should be required to pay for the Services of such competent clerk or other agent as the Surgeon might select and agree with. You will, I know, cooperate with me in every measure to save our public expenditures whenever it can be done without prejudice to the comfort and health of our troops. If the Surgeon of the Hospital can prevail upon the Colonels of our Ala. regiments to detail a man monthly or quarterly to the remain at the Hospital and attend to the duties of his position under the direction of the Surgeon, it would supersede the necessity of employing another Agent under pay by the State. I submit this matter for your consideration and after consultation with Dr. Clark, whom I doubt not will be assigned to the Hospital, as Surgeon, established by you. Allow me to add that what I have herein said is founded upon the beliefs that you will be able to establish the Hospital at or near the neighborhood of Manassas Junction.
There is another matter to which I wish to call your attention and that of your excellent lady. The Grand Lodge of Alabama have placed in my hands $2,500 to be applied by me to Hospital Accommodations for our troops. I have decided to appropriate $1000 of the amount to the Hospital you may organize, and have thought it best to have several hundred cotton mattrasses made up of 7/8 Osnaburgs to be paid for out of this fund, and have today ordered 5000 yards to be put out for manufacture. The difficulty with me is to know everything precisely which the Hospital may need. I will thank you therefore to send me a memorandum so soon as convenient of all such articles of furniture, bedding, &c required, and which can be better purchased here. - and of all such articles of Stores, Medicines &c. So that I may give full and proper information by circular letter to the State when the Hospital is organized. With high regards I am Very Truly Yours (Signed) John Gill Shorter.
Executive Department Montgomery, Ala., Dec. 18th, 1861.
Capt. Jas. D. Webb, [check]
My Dear Sir ;
I enclose you herein a copy of an Act of our General Assembly by which I am authorized to designate a Quartermaster of any Alabama Regiment in the Army of the Potomac; who shall have the right to draw on the State Treasury for the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars or such less sum as may be necessary to be used in the erection of a building at Manassas, Virginia, to shelter and protect the clothing and other articles belonging to the Volunteers from this State in the Army of the Potomac.
I have taken the liberty to appoint you to execute the trust in behalf of the State, and sincerely hope it may be in your power to accept and discharge it; as from your known skill and fidelity I shall have the utmost confidence that the object contemplated by the General Assembly will be fully attained. Of course within the limitations of the Act you will use your best discretion; but I hope you will pardon me for adding that such large and manifold appropriations have been made by the General Assembly from the Treasury that if you can accomplish the object for a less amount than the limit fixed, it would be most agreable to the Treasurer.
In order that you may obtain the money with the least trouble to yourself and the accountants in the Treasury Department I herewith hand you the form of a warrant, which you can fill up in favor of Mr. Jas. S. Albright, engaged in my office, who on receipt of it will draw the money and forward you a remittance of the same by check on Richmond. Awaiting your reply. I am with high personal regards Your Friend & Obt. Servant. (Signed) John Gill Shorter.
I began here
Executive Department Montgomery, Ala. Dec. 19th 1861
Genl Thos J. Butler [check] Mobile,
Your letter, of 7th inst, is received, and I am instructed by the Governor to say to you, that he is of the opinion, that the Regiment being formed under the act of 1852 - will be numbered the "2d Regiment" under the Militia Code of 1852.
The Volunteer - Act of 1860 has been repealed : the effect of this is to place the Regiment - lately commanded by Col. Todd - in the position it occupied before the passage of the Volunteer Act of 1860. This was, then, the first Volunteer Regiment, and will, now, be entitled to rank such. The Regiment you refer - to will be styled the Second Volunteer Regiment of Alabama Militia
Very Respy (Signed) A. B. Moore Aid de Camp.
Executive Department Montgomery, Ala, Dec 19th 1871
Dr. P. Bryce Tuscaloosa, Ala My dear sir, I am just now in receipt of your favour of 16th Inst. Everyword you say is approved and endorsed. I hope the Board of Directors will resolutely refuse the asyhuin-con Secrated to suffering humanity - to be polluted by the foof-print of our insolvent immadens.
Executive Department Montgomery, Ala, Decr 19th 1861 Hon J. P. Benjamin, Secy of War Richmond, Better send no more prisoners to Tuscaloosa - accommodations exhausted - Lunatic asylum will not be leased - - To seize it would disorganize the Institution, and arouse the just indignation of a loyal and Christian people (Dispatch) John Gill Shorter Governor of Alabama.
Executive Department Montgomery, Ala, Decr 21st 1861 Hon. J. P. Benjamin, Secy of War; Sir, I have the Honour to receive your letter of the 17th Inst - in relation to Mr L. M. Rowley - a citizen of Florida - Said be in prison here - with request to have his case examined, &c - and the same shall have immediate attention. With high regard, I am Respectfully Yours, (Signed) John Gill Shorter.
Executive Department Montgomery, Ala, Decr 21st /61 Hon. J. P. Benjamin, [check] Secretary of War Sir, I have your dispatch of yesterday - in which you say; "I shall send no more Prisoners to Tuscaloosa - never tho't of Seizing Asylum."
In explanation of my Dispatch of the 19th I beg to say that on that day, I received a letter from Dr P. Bryce, Medical Superintendant of the Insane Hospital at Tuscaloosa, dated the 16th inst. in which he wrote among other things, the following sentence: "Dr Searcy - the President of our Board of Trustees, told me this morning, that the officer, commanding the Guard, stated to him that he had received a dispatch - authorizing him to seize any - & every available house for the purposes of the Prisoners, and if necessary, occupy the Insane Hospital." I did not believe that such a dispatch had been issued, by your direction; but I could not doubt the verity of the statement made to me - or that such a dispatch had been received by your officer, who affirmed that he had received it.I am pleased to know that no other prisoners are to be forwarded to Tuscaloosa. It cannot accommodate more than are already there. With High regards, I am, Respectfully - Yours (Signed) John Gill Shorter -