June 29, 1917 pg3
so not have missed them. But thanks very much just the same.
Was sorry to hear of Dave Mc Lean's death. I didn't know about it until I saw the account of his death in the St. Mary's Journal although we were in the same big battle. We feel badly about Jack Evans.
Well I believe they had a big time when Cliff Hobbs arrived home. Oliver and I (by the way we are together now in France, ^and in same camp)^ were just saying that we would rather be excused from anything like that, but I've no doubt Cliff would just be in his glory.
I suppose you have the music
June 29, 1917 pg4
for the 1st of July all well practiced up by this time and waiting for the event. Hope the garden party is a success. Am glad the "Endeavor," is going on alright. I had a good long chat with Jack Baynes last night about some of his "joy rides," while in Canada. I see him every day now as he is only a short distance from us.
Well must close for this time. Remember me to the folks. Write soon. Granton news always welcome. I like to get about a bushel of letters but am too lazy or something to write as much as I should.
Yours sincerely,
July 24, 1917 pg1
[postmarks and censor stamp illegible]
(On Active Service) Miss Nettie McNaughton Granton, Ontario, Canada.
July 24, 1917 pg2
Somewhere in France 24/7/17
Miss Nettie McNaughton,
Dear friend, -
Received your letter all O.K. and am always glad to hear from you. It is very hot to-day, the hottest day I have experienced in France yet, but as luck would have it we are getting a sort of holiday to-day, so are alright. It gets quite cool at night here, always. We have a good cool dug-out. Oliver and I are together now. We sleep together in a little dug-out big enough for four. One of the other fellows with us comes from Greenway, not far from Parkhill.
Well Oliver has seen some long distance fighting by the artillery and aeroplanes, but we haven't been in action yet since he came over. Ofcourse the battalion has, but we haven't got
July 24, 1917 pg3
quite that far, I mean the front line since I have been sick. We have been under shell fire though, at long range. Oliver is anxious to get up to the front, but since I've been there myself, I'm not in any hurry. I'm feeling fine though now. Oliver is also looking well. We are trying to outdo on another in growing brushes on our upper lips. Both are a fairly good crop.
The other crops are good too. Haying is pretty well over and the rye is ripe. I presume the garden party was a big success as there weren't any others in Granton.
So Pearl Ridley is married. Give her my best wishes for a long and happy matrimonial life. They will miss her greatly at home, but such is life. I had a letter from Lorne just lately. Does he sing in the choir now. Who usually takes