McFarland-Russell Letter, August 29, 1880 - Page 4




Status: Page Status Incomplete

I cant find and [any] Bills from you to
Pa to give the amount on goods sent.
and no ap has been kept. there was a
great deal of goods that did not sell for
near that you had them marked at.
I dont know yours and Pas agreement
whether Pa was to pay you the way the
goods were marked, or pay you what he sold
them for. There is a big difference in the
two ways. There is no way that I can
come at this but you know your agreement
and the goods you sent. You can take
your ap out and make out your
claim in writing against Pa according
to yours & Pas agreement. Your ap on
Pas books is $278.10 the Law requires
you or any one holding claims against the
estate to go before some officer authorized
to administer oathes; and swear to
your claim before the administrator
can allow the claim. any thing that I
can do to assist you in making out your claim
I will do it, but I think the above is all the benefit that
can be to you in making it out

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