If you can make this out answer it- i am afraid you cannot read it.
Have you any interest / Port Lavaca in Miss Hay [illegible] / Dec 6th 1875
Dear Cousin Robert-
Your letter rec'd some weeks ago and would have been answered some time ago but have been so sick I could not write. The Doctor come to see me. I have to have him quite often, but he thinks I will get well; I hope so, I have been so helpless and so sick, i have only been able to use my hand and arm at all for 5 weeks. I am astonished for I had no idea that I could even hold the pen, or even write- that anyone could read it
we were so glad to see ya the visit was so unexpected only too short; glad you reached home safely, and found all well.
Many thanks for your kind invitation to visit - you for Rosalie and myself, but am sorry to say that it would be impossible for me. I am so unwell all the time - as for Rosalie it would be very pleasant- but I don't see how I could ever spare her. I know she would enjoy it - ever so much. and the visit would do her so much good. she has been so closely confined helping and taking care of me. she is such a loving devoted daughter. so partient industrious and helpful.
Have you seen Lannie? he is risen from the dead, he was in our village last week. I am happy to say I did not see him, he sent word by a negro to tell his red headed freckled face cousin to come and see him, he was in town. neither my husband or Harry made any advance he did not come near enough to either one for them to speak to him, I don't know how he got along at all. but - I made up my mind when he was with me the last - time that he should never come about us any more. in fact - I asked him never to come any more. he is the vilest - piece of humanity - I ever known he told some one in town
that he had heard that - he had been shot from an allegater and been shot - & died from the effect [illegible] back to let us see [illegible] he was still alive, what a pity, and we were so resigned at [illegible] shed a tear. I'll admit Larrecca I was so delighted to get her picture and should love so much to see her and Miss Davis I should love to see her I saw her [illegible] in the [illegible] remember exactly this year - there have been many changes since then Rell the girls I enjoy look ing at their pictures , they are lovely and lovable I know - I suppose you are all thinking and talk ing about Christmas. The [illegible] and Persimmon seed came [illegible] - Thanks for your [illegible] plant - [illegible] when the [illegible] comes - you see from my writing I am getting tired, I am afraid you can't read if I write love fir your Mother self and children & Mrs Davis wishing you a Merry Xmas - and a Happy New Year - I am yours truly all from Mollie Lee Canfield Love and good wishes