that he had heard that - he had
been shot from an allegater and
been shot - & died from the effect
[illegible] back to let us
see [illegible] he was still alive,
what a pity, and we were so re-
signed at [illegible]
shed a tear. I'll admit Larrecca
I was so delighted to get her
picture and should love so
much to see her and Miss
Davis I should love to see her
I saw her [illegible] in the
[illegible] remember exactly this
year - there have been many changes
since then Rell the girls I enjoy look
ing at their pictures , they are lovely
and lovable I know - I suppose
you are all thinking and talk
ing about Christmas.
The [illegible] and Persimmon
seed came [illegible] - Thanks for your
[illegible] plant - [illegible] when the [illegible]
comes - you see from my writing I am
getting tired, I am afraid you can't
read if I write love fir your Mother
self and children & Mrs Davis wishing
you a Merry Xmas - and a
Happy New Year - I am yours truly
all from
Mollie Lee Canfield
Love and good wishes
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