McFarland-Russell Letter, December 2, 1894



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Socorro New Mex Dec 2) 1894

Mr R E Russell

Dear Friend yours of the 29 just receved I hardly know whot to say as it would be imposible for me to go to Orange before the middle of March next cant Saxon administer on Jims estate I suppose it will hav to be don at once and another thing I am not strong enought to go out on the farm and take charge of things out there and besides if I went down I would wont to liv in town and hav full charge of the children I dont think I could do much with them as long as the old Lady is a live and to go so far from my Dear children I would ave to cum every year to

Last edit 5 months ago by East Texas Research Center
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see them show this letter to Saxon and and see what he thinks a bout it I hav [have] not don [done] any work for five years and I know that I could not go out on the farm and do the work that is to be don [done] there and another thing I would not like to liv [live] with the old lady

I feel as though I would like to do something for the children but it is so far from my children and they are all I hav [have] in this world that unless I could be made comfortable down there it would be foolish in my going show this letter to Saxon and write to me you see it would be three months and a half before I could go

Remain as ever your friend Esther C Martin

Last edit 5 months ago by East Texas Research Center
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