McFarland-Russell Letter, July 14, 1870



McFarland-Russell Letter, July 14, 1870 - Page 1

McFarland-Russell Letter, July 14, 1870 - Page 1

Clear Creek Tex July 14th 1870 R. E. Russell, Esq Dear Brother, On hearing of your arrival safely at home, I am seated again to write a few lines for your benefit. Though am somewhat at a loss to know what to communicate. the day you left here for Galveston, which was on the 4th, the fire company number six at Dickinson raised a row with two or three of the C C boys, which terminated in one man being mortally wounded & another killed. also a young infant being struck with a base ball bat on back of neck it being badly hurt or killed. heard some few days since that the baby died. also heard it contradicted the one killed have also heard was done by train [next two lines torn away]

Last edit over 2 years ago by East Texas Research Center
McFarland-Russell Letter, July 14, 1870 - Page 2

McFarland-Russell Letter, July 14, 1870 - Page 2

business with all ease now. have nothing whatever to bother me. I attended a dance last Monday night had splendid time. Miss Vienni was the & I enjoyed my self finely. danced until daylight & then went home where I took a short repose before entering upon my daily labor. have sold & replenished part of my stock two or three times since you left, expect good country trade this fall & if fortune smiles on me maybe I'll have few of the stamps to put a side. Whit is doing very well I believe, at least he's always in high spirits. Add I suppose is well though haven't heard a word from him since the first guess he's forgotten there ever lived such a being as I. Please attend to Miss Glock well & will arrange it with you some day if nothing happens. Tell Schweeatt howdy from my & say to him to write will take [illegible page torn in the corner].. soon as I eat my dinner & devour a piece of a nice melon have on table


Last edit over 1 year ago by East Texas Research Center
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