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would interest her. but I will write
her some time. Sis always seemed
to think I was mad with her, but I
have never been. I always wrote
to her when she wrote me.
The only fault she could find
to my letters if any was I advised
her to quit moving so much
and get aquainted with the people
and she would do better
if I find any thing more in regard
to the record you with - I will send it.
Grand Pa wrote a very fine hand
but over that is very hard to read
the record is in a book of some 7 or
8 hundred papers of writing it
being hard, very hard to read it takes
a long time to go through. but
I think I have all you want
that is here. I have nothing
to write about so I will have
to close. if my potato crop
does well will make a fine change (?)
(illegible) (illegible) (illegible) a crop but they
are late. have a fine (Illegible) of
peas coming on.
I hope I will have something
to write next time
I hope this will find you all
well. The weather is so warm (?)
I fear there will be great amt of
fever & chills
With the best wishes to all
I remain yours afft Bro
R E McFarland

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