Bleakwood 2/6/22 Mrs C.C. Russell Orange Orange Co, Texas
[illegable note]
Blackwood Texas June 15th 18/55 [?]
Mrs C.C. Russell
Dear Sister
As usual I am slow and due you an apology. I have to work so hard these scarce times that I dont get time to write I am too tired at dinner of Sundays too lazy.
I have a very good crop of all kinds Potatos corn oats cotton and watermelons the garden is good. My pea crop is too young to tell much about it yet, but I havent had any rain for near 4 weeks except a very light shower about a week ago. if the rain dont come in a very few days the whole crop will be cut off again. if the people fail this year in a crop. I dont think they can live without selling their property, which they would likely have to sell very low. Jesse Lee is helping some people that cant do any way. and that is near all within 6 or 8 miles all around him the only Merchant that can help the people at all if it was not for him near all farmers around here could not have made a crop this year. Missouri called me to assist her in some of her lye that she expects to use in geting soup she says that soup made of lye from ashes is much better and cheaper and goes further than soap made of other lye, but as I started to day I got off and it is now 24 hours later in the year. Thomas Houghes was here yesterday, he is just from Jasper county, says they are [very?] days [?] than
it is thundering around today, I hope we will get rain. I was over my crop yesterday evening. it was not needing rain as bad as I thought it was. some of the corn can wait 10 days yet and make good corn. the hogs are all dieing if the disease dont stop soon there will be no meat in this range next year. it seems that the timber business is not goiing to open up this year at all. if People could get employment through the summer or as to live independently of their farm untill the crop is housed (?) it would be a great help to them. I hear that the times are pretty lively at Orange now. that is plenty of work to do. if there is any good jobs of hauling there with a horse team, I might go down and spend July & Aug there. I haven't much on the farm that I can do, without going to some exspence outside my labor, and I cant do that. for this reason I would have hours to get work, I cant be idle. there is a Single mill above town that hires its shingles hauled one or two miles. old man Jones worked there awhile. I thought I might get a job there that would last a while and George too. Perry Windham will board here July & aug and teach school. so I could leave very well. I would like to sell out and move. I could have sold the farm a year and a half ago but now I don't guess I could give it away. all property is love here now and a very dull sale. Feriba has a very good crop the family
Feriba has a very good crop the family is in good health. Mr Smith is improving his farm has a lot of new - land in this year Crop good, I guess we will go to see them in one or two weeks. Lizzie is still at school at Jasper.
Sid Scott will move here to the old farm this fall. Jiles lives where Jim did. Jim lives at Pinetucky Jaspher Rd Giles singleterry has moved there too. old man J Lee will have a young Lee (illegible) as well as John Lewis in Lewisville. the old Lady Scott is poorly. cant see scarcily at all. the great capitalist Sir Adams had good his capital so badly scattered that he has quit doing much and gone to the farm. where he cant do as he knows nothing about farming. Mr Mero has gone to Jasper which he had the Doctor to do some surgical work for him. the last news, he was expected to die from bleeding.
Bed Whitman died last Sunday from what I can hear, I guess he died from cholera Morbus. Several weddings took place lately Mark Harris (a widower) to Harriet Davis Calvin Davis to to Lou Starkes daughter (Bettie) Mr Murphy to Viola Harris. Mr Danby to Miss Stone. David Irvine to Miss Rymes that is all I remember just now.
One of my neighbors has gone to Orange this week Rubin (Illegible) - yes more than that. Rubin Jones & Sam harris and maybe Sam McF- you will see him if (illegible) (Simian) Maclaines father has quit trying to do any thing, is likely to suffer or at least his family may suffer. I notice a great deal of lands advertised for tax sale this year.
the fruit crop is heavy all that has ripened is good. Peaches will be late but I think good, you had better come up and preserve you a good lot.
Well I cant think of any thing more of interest and (illegible) wants to write some so will close, hoping to hear from you soon. I was sorry to hear of Ceciles hair being cut I dont like the fashion. Cecile is very pretty as is all your girls. have you seen our county news paper (the Newton Co Reg) if not I will send you a sample.
Your affectionate bro
R.E. McFarland
Dear C.C. Russell
Dear Sister