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it is thundering around today, I hope we
will get rain. I was over my crop yesterday
evening. it was not needing rain as bad as I
thought it was. some of the corn
can wait 10 days yet and make good
corn. the hogs are all dieing if the
disease dont stop soon there will be no
meat in this range next year.
it seems that the timber business is not
goiing to open up this year at all. if
People could get employment through
the summer or as to live independently
of their farm untill the crop is housed (?)
it would be a great help to them.
I hear that the times are pretty lively at
Orange now. that is plenty of work
to do. if there is any good jobs of
hauling there with a horse team, I
might go down and spend July & Aug
there. I haven't much on the farm that I
can do, without going to some exspence
outside my labor, and I cant do that.
for this reason I would have hours
to get work, I cant be idle. there is
a Single mill above town that hires its shingles
hauled one or two miles. old man Jones
worked there awhile. I thought I might get
a job there that would last a while and
George too. Perry Windham will board here
July & aug and teach school. so I could
leave very well. I would like to sell
out and move. I could have sold the
farm a year and a half ago but
now I don't guess I could give it
away. all property is love here now
and a very dull sale.
Feriba has a very good crop the family

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