Feriba has a very good crop the family
is in good health. Mr Smith is improving
his farm has a lot of new - land in this year
Crop good, I guess we will go to see
them in one or two weeks. Lizzie is still
at school at Jasper.
Sid Scott will move here to the old
farm this fall. Jiles lives where Jim
did. Jim lives at Pinetucky Jaspher Rd
Giles singleterry has moved there too.
old man J Lee will have a young Lee (illegible)
as well as John Lewis in Lewisville.
the old Lady Scott is poorly. cant see
scarcily at all. the great capitalist
Sir Adams had good his capital so badly
scattered that he has quit doing much
and gone to the farm. where he cant do
as he knows nothing about farming.
Mr Mero has gone to Jasper which he
had the Doctor to do some surgical work
for him. the last news, he was expected
to die from bleeding.
Bed Whitman died last Sunday from
what I can hear, I guess he died from cholera
Morbus. Several weddings took place lately
Mark Harris (a widower) to Harriet Davis
Calvin Davis to to Lou Starkes daughter (Bettie)
Mr Murphy to Viola Harris. Mr Danby to
Miss Stone. David Irvine to Miss Rymes
that is all I remember just now.
One of my neighbors has gone to Orange this
week Rubin (Illegible) - yes more than that.
Rubin Jones & Sam harris and maybe
Sam McF- you will see him if (illegible)
(Simian) Maclaines father has quit trying to
do any thing, is likely to suffer or at
least his family may suffer. I notice a great deal
of lands advertised for tax sale this year.
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