San Augustine Texas 6/19/91
Mr R E Russel Orange Tex Dear Sir
Your letter reached me last eve and as you insisted on an early reply will answer to day. Mrs Cranch got a letter from Charley last Friday eve he had turned up at Sulpher Springs with his [ ?] Bud Thomas. his mother was so troubled and uneasy about him that she went up there to see about him. She left here last Monday we haven't heard from her since. Guess she will capture him. The way he has done has nearly troubled my wife (Maud) to death. I received a letter from Jake
The other day we said he could arrange the matter for $9.80 which I will send him in a few days. Charly has cash his Ma & Myself about $60.00 since he left home besides the trouble he has give us. I am not sorry he was put off an you hope you do not blame us as I wrote you before his ma was anxious for him to go where some one would take an interest in him. I do hope and trust this may be the last trouble he will give us Mrs [Granche ?] oldest son Bud has been a very bad drunkard for four or five years, but has no other very bad habits. She has one son in Mississippi who is a bright fellow - his name is D or ID - he is about two years older than C and about two years younger than Bud - her youngest boy Johnie is
also, a remarkable smart little fellow but he cant talk plain Maud was a baby when you was here in 1868 I was four years old. I am 27 years old have been married nearly three years. You spoke of having arrived here the same day that Mr Henry Horn married how many children [ ? ? ?] He have twelve living and one dead. Dr Tucker has six, all boys and nice ones. I am not very much attached to this place I would move away if I was not so well fixed I have as pretty a place as there is in town and I know to sell out would have to sacrifice what I have and I dont like to do that. This is the oldest driest dullest dilapidated deadest dirtiest rundown place in Texas about two firms does nearly all the business that is done here and all of that is on a credit. You must not think that Mrs Cranch thought hard of you writing me
what you did. If such as that was going on she wanted to know it and I think it was best for her to know it. And maybe she can control him. About the watch we have no express office here you can send it by reg mail. Mr Russel if you ever hapen up in our country come and see us I know Mrs C would be real glad to see you we have had good rains lately crops are finer than I nearly ever saw them healthy of the country splendid. we have a new Court House just about finished which helps the appearance of our town some Well I'll wind up for this time if you do not think it too much trouble I would be glad to hear from you any time will always answer your letters promptly and give you the news I think we are a little far off [kin ?] any way what do you think about it - regards to all Yours Truly, E. E. [Smith ?]