The other day we said he could
arrange the matter for $9.80 which
I will send him in a few days.
Charly has cash his Ma & Myself
about $60.00 since he left home besides
the trouble he has give us. I am
not sorry he was put off an
you hope you do not blame us
as I wrote you before his ma was
anxious for him to go where some one
would take an interest in him.
I do hope and trust this may be the
last trouble he will give us
Mrs [Granche ?] oldest son Bud
has been a very bad drunkard for
four or five years, but has no
other very bad habits.
She has one son in Mississippi who is
a bright fellow - his name is
D or ID - he is about two
years older than C and about
two years younger than Bud -
her youngest boy Johnie is
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