McFarland-Russell Letter, May 30, 1889 - Page 2




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the Teacher's Institute, so I have but
five days of lost time to make up.
Owing to a new law of N. Y. state
compelling the school year to close
earlier this year than formerly,
I am obliged to make up time
every opportunity I can, consequently
I am going to teach to day,
Decoration. Quite patriotic, you say;
yes, I am, appearances are often
deceitful, you remember.

Thy will not quarrel over political
opinions, but while you are a strong
Dem. I remain just as strong a Repub.
Ultimately, I hope for the victory
of the Prohibition party, but just
now I think its principles are better
as carried out by the Repub. As to
the negros, they are more in numbers
at the South than North and perhaps
you are better able to judge of their
qualifications for citizens than I; but

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