McFarland-Russell Letter, November 4, 1880 - Page 1




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The best composed but carelessly written.

Galveston, Texas
Nov. 4th, 1890
Miss Edith Davis
Orange, Texas
Darling Edith:

I received your
letter yesterday. I thought I would
answer so soon because this evening I wish
to go to Matterson's [squar ?] and to morrow
I am going to spend the day on the Bay,
a large crowd of us are going. I know I
would enjoy it better if you were with
us. You just aught to be here, the Bay
is just beautiful and so pleasant.
We were out on the Bay for several hours
yesterday. I am going to leave next
week for the Fair at Dallas. I know
you would enjoy it very much to go
because you use to stay there for weeks
and have a great many friends there.
We had a nice ride to the Park and then
went from the Park to the Flower Garden
and we got some lovely flowers
You know how often we use to talk of
Galveston being called the Olianda City
it is a fact that it is an Olianda City.
They have know fences the fence are hedges
of Olianda. When I come back from
Dallas I will send you some flower from

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