McFarland-Russell Letter, November 8, 1882 - Page 2




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very good health now no cough no weakness like last
year, and I am realy getting fleshy I am geting
a great deal since so than when I was there.
Mr. Smith says it because I work so hard since
he was sick I do do a great deal more work he
teases me about working he says he wants to
move me out so he can get another wife
but he says he will have to fall on another play
as work agrees so well with me. I wish you
could come up to see us. What's the use of wishing
I have wished and expected every week
to hear you are coming until I have concluded
you will never get here, I am going to try prettie
hard to get a chance to go to see you, and Ed
& Sam, before another year runs around.
I do so want to go to Newton sunday to church but
reckon I cant. Martin said I could get a mule
from him or a horse either, but Mr Smith may not
go after it; Kate what is a nice pattern to make
an alpaca dress. I am going to buy me one
and want to make it since I have just made
[ ?] & Tom a nice suit of Tweeds and I have
to make them another nice suit so I can
be ready then to visit at a moments notice
Mr [ Natine?] staid here last night you remember
him Allison Notine, he is a funny fellow
to be sure. I did not get to hear the presiding
Elder preach oh he is such an eloquent

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