McFarland-Russell Letter, November 8, 1882 - Page 3




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preacher I think. But I can not help it I have
not paid any thing to the church this year. You
ask me about Sam I do not know any thing in the
world about them have not heard since court
time only the surveyor said he reckoned they
were well he was down in there some few
days since and heard nothing to the contrary.
If I can I will help them if they are very
needy but I tride that once but it failed
and now I will aid them another way if
they stand in need of help. I shall get Mr
Smith to send him some mercy, but
that would not be the right way if they need
provision buy it and send it to them if they
had money they would by [nic nac ?]. Oh! Kate
you have no idea how wastful they are not
meaning any harm by saying so, But I could
tell you of things I will not write I am so sorry too
for them but that does them no good to be [sorry ?]
without aid. If I ever get able to make money
of my own I will buy him a place and give
it to him and I think he could then paddle
his own canoe. You laugh at the idea of my
making money but I will I am going to take
stock and have my own part in something there
I will do something for him if he is alive but
I can surer ask Mr Smith to do more than
help him from starving if it comes to that

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