Chopin La Sept 24/91 R. E. Russell Dear Brother
I received a letter from Sister Julia the other day and she said that she wanted $500.00 for her part of the property and would take a note given by Wm Stark & E Brown for it so you see Wm & E and get them to take up the note that you have and give you one for $500.00 payable to Julia and the balance payable to yourself Ma, Charley & Granville & I will make up the balance as soon as I can. we want the deeds signed and seconded before
Court comes off for there is no telling how things may go in the Bancroft case against us. of course I do not think that they have any case against us but you know how [one ?] have been treated in the Courts and it is the best to be on the safe side so see Wm and Julia and have this matter settled at once. times are to hard with me for me to have to come down to attend to it myself so you and Ma attend to it for me. There is some parties figuring with us to buy a half interest in our plant we [invested ?] on a plant to them and it amts to $83,000 we offered them a half interest at 20,000 in cash
and then they are to
are to get in the place of it, well the party that is to take this letter to the depot is waiting at the gate for it so I will close for this time The family are all well and send love to all of the family tell Ma for her [cousin ?] Julia to come up well goodbye for this time your Brother H N R