First Baptist Church of Beckville, 1893



Title Page

Title Page



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Last edit over 1 year ago by East Texas Research Center
Copyright Page

Copyright Page

Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1891 by J. R. GRAVES & SON, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington.

Last edit over 1 year ago by East Texas Research Center
Articles of Faith

Articles of Faith


I. We believe that the Holy Bible was written by men divinely inspired, and is full of unmixed truth, and is a perfect rule of faith and practice. II Tim. iii: 16.

II. We believe in one God -- Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Matt. xxviii: 19.

III. We believe that man, once holy, fell by voluntary transgression from that happy state, and is now utterly void of holiness. Gen. ii: 16, 17. Rom. iii: 20, 24.

IV. We believe that sinners are saved by grace alone through faith. Rom. iv: 16. Gal. iii: 15, 16.

V. We believe that men are justified by faith, without a deed of law, in the Lord Jesus Christ. Rom. v: 1.

VI. We believe that salvation is free to all who will accept the Gospel. John iii: 15,16.

VII. We believe that except a man be renewed by the Holy Spirig, he is not qualified for the kingdom of Christ on earth, or to enjoy his glory hereafter. John iii: 3. I Cor. xv: 50.

VIII. We believe that repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ are the duties of every one who hears the Gospel. Acts xx: 21.

IX. We believe that election is the eternal purpose of God, by which he graciously regenerates, sanctifies and saves sinners through faith in Christ. 1 Peter i: 2.

X. We believe that sanctification, beginning in regeneration, and ever progressive, is the process by which we are made partakers of God's holiness. 1 Peter i: 2. II Peter i: 5. I Cor. i: 30.

XI. We believe in the preservation of the saints: that they are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation. I Peter i: 5. Psalm xxxvii: 28.

XII. We believe that God's law is the only, the external and unchangeable rule of his church and moral government. Matt. vii: 12.

XIII. We believe that a church of Christ is a congregation of baptized believers, united in the faith and fellowship of the Gospel, observing the ordinances and obeying the laws of Christ; and that its officers are pastors and deacons. Matt. xxviii: 19. Acts ii: 46, 47. John iii: 5.

XIV. We believe that Christian baptism is the immersion in water of a believer in Christ, by a properly qualified administrator, into the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Matt. xxviii: 19.

XV. We believe that only such as have been properly baptized in water and received into the fellowship of a regularly organized Baptist Church should partake of the Lord's Supper. Acts ii: 46. I Cor. xi: 2.

XVI. We believe that the Lord's Day or Christian Sabbath should be devoutly observed, and sacredly devoted to religious srvices. Gen. ii: 3. Heb. x: 25.

XVII. We believe that civil government is of divine appointment, and that the governors of States and Nations should be obeyed, when the laws they seek to enforce are not in conflict wiht the Gospel. Matt. xxvii: 17-21.

XVIII. We believe in the future resurrection of the dead: the righteous to everlasting life, and the wicked to shame and everlasting contempt. Dan. xii: 2.

XIX. We believe in the final judgment; and that in that day the righteous and wicked will be separated forever. Rev. xx Chapter.

XX. We believe that the righteous will be made happy forever in heaven, and the wicked miserable forever in hell. Rev. xxi Chapter.

Last edit over 1 year ago by East Texas Research Center
Members A

Members A


Thanking God for the light we have received, and for the revelation of Jesus which we now enjoy; and hoping the God, for Christ's sake, has pardoned our sins; and having been baptized on a profession of our faith in Christ Jesus into the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, we do, this day, before God and the world, with deep joy and great solemnity, enter into covenant with one another as one body in Christ.

We therefore covenant and agree that by the aid of the Holy Spirit we will walk together in love and Christian fellowship. We promise to labor for the advancement and final triumph of the Church; to sustain her worship by attending the house of God and supporting the ministry; to guard her ordinances, enforce her discipline, and defend her doctrine.

We also pledge ourselves to walk circumspectly in the world; to be honest, just and faithful in our business relations; and, as God may give us help, we promise to live righteous and holy lives.

We further promise to watch over each other in brotherly love; to visit the sick; to pray for each other and the world; to aid the poor and needy, and to perform such other kind offices as may be wellpleasing in the sight of God.


I. The pastor, or in his absence any member appointed, shall act as Moderator of all business meetings of the Church.

II. It shall be the duty of the Moderator to keep order; and in case the Church is equally divided on any question he shall give the casting vote, if a member; if not a member, he shall call on a member to preside until the question is settled.

III. The meeting shall be opened and closed with prayer.

IV. The order of business shall be:

1. Reading minutes of previous meeting.

2. The reception of members by experience or letter

3. Granting letters of dismission.

4. Reports of Committees.

5. Unfinished business.

6. New or miscellaneous business.

V. A motion before the Church must be disposed of before another motion can be entertained, unless the motion be to amend, postpone, adjourn, or call for the previous question.

VI. The Modertor may speak on any question by calling on any brother to preside in his place, which he should do.

VII. Every member who speaks shall rise and first address the Moderator.

VIII. The Church in conference shall entertain no proposition for discussion which has not been presented on motion of one member and seconded by another

IX. On any point of order a member may appeal from the Moderator to the Church, whose decision shall be final.

X. All questions, except that on reception of members, shall be decided by the vote of a majority.

List of Members of Church.

Names How and When Received How and When Dismissed REMARKS
Anderson Mollie Baptism Letter 10/31-96
Last edit over 1 year ago by East Texas Research Center
Members B

Members B

List of Members of Church.

NAMES How and When Received How and When Dismissed REMARKS
List of Members of Church.
NAMES How and When Received How and When Dismissed REMARKS
Browning F. L. Baptism Letter 12/6-02
Browning Mrs. Sallie Baptism Letter 12/6-02
Bell Everett Letter Excluded 3/5-98
Bell Wilfred Letter Excluded 3/5-'98
Bell W. J. Letter Excluded 3/5-'98
Bell Mrs. Fannie Letter Letter 5/4-1901
Browning Bulah B. Baptism Letter 12/6-02
Barber C. A. Letter 6/5-07 Letter 4/2-99
Barber Mrs. Alice Letter 6/5-97 Letter 4/2-99
Barber Pink Letter 6/5-97 Excluded 9/21-1902
Barber Mrs. Viola Letter 6/5-97 Letter 8/6-1913
Barrister John Baptism 9/4-97 Excluded 8/2-1902
Bell Wilfred Restored 8/6-98 Lettered 7/1-99
Browning F. L. Letter 9/16-06 Died 8/10-1912
Barton E. J. Letter 9/16-06
Barton Andy Letter 7/ 07 L. 8/15-08
Barton Mrs. Alice Letter 7/ 07 L. 8/15-08
Broom M. G. Statement 8/16-08
Broom Mrs. Anna Baptism 8/16-08
Barton Andy Letter 4/17-09 Letter 11/3-1923
Barton Mrs. Alice Letter 4/17-09 Letter 11/3-1923
Barber Miss Laura Baptism 8/20-09 Letter 7/16-10
Barnett H. J. Baptism 7/24-10
Barnett Mrs. A. E. Baptism 8/24-1912
Barnett Miss Marguerite Letter 11/16-1912 Letter 9/18-1915
Bowen W. M. Letter 4/19-1913
Bowen Mrs. Zella Letter 4/19-1913
Blair Mrs. Havana Letter 8/7-1913
Barton H. P. Letter 11/14-1914
Barton Rachel Letter 11/14-1914 Died 9/16-1915
Browning Sallie E. Letter 8/27-1918
Barber Viola Letter 8/27-1918
Barber Dee Alma Letter 9/28-1919 Letter 6/17-1922
Last edit over 1 year ago by East Texas Research Center
Displaying pages 1 - 5 of 231 in total