Minutes 037




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First Baptist met in conference
on Sat. night Jan. 20, 1946.
As the clerk was absent no minte
was read. The treasurers report was
given and approved. Bro Horace Sparks
reported that a card had been received
from Bro. E.L. Jones thanking the
church for the $10.00 offering sent him.
A motion carried authorizing the
Deacons of the church to lease
the church's lot, for mineral rights
if possible. Conference left open.
On Sunday Jan 21 a motion carried
to omit services Sun. night on account
of bad weather. Conference adjourned.

Bro W. H. Hodges Mod
Mrs Robt. Morris C. Protem

Church held conference on Sunday 2-18-45
after the 11 o'clock serman. No service being
had on Sat. due to bad weather.

Minutes of Dec and Jan were read and approved.
Time to set our revival meeting
was discussed. Motion carried that
the revival start 3rd Sunday in July.

Nothing else to come before the
church, conference adjourned on Sun. night.

Bro W H Hodges Mod
Mrs Lola Edins C.C.

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