Minutes 038
First Baptist Church met in regular service
and conference March 17, 1945-
Minute approved as read
Motion carried that the deacons act as
trustees of the church since the leasing
of the church property required a board
of trustees.
No other business to come before the
church conference adjourned.
Mrs Lola Edins C C
Bro W. H. Hodges Mod.
First Baptist Church met in regular
service and conference April 14, 1945.
No minue read due to absence of clerk.
Motion and carried that letters of dismission
be granted to Mr and Mrs Otis Welch. Motion
carried that the church give an offering
to Mrs Doris Beason Murphy (help in sickness of husband).
On Sunday night motion carried that the
church invited Bro Banks to be the singer
for our revival No other business conference
Bro W. H. Hodges Mod
Mrs Lola Edins C.C.
Bro Banks could not accept church voted to
invite Bro Lewis of Cushing.
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