Minutes 039




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Church met in service and conference
Sat. night May 18th 1945. Minutes of March and
April were read and approved. Letters of dismission
were granted by motion & second to
Mr and Mrs Earl Cherry and their son Joe Earl
Cherry. Motion carried to despense with
Sunday night service as our Pastor is
to preach Commencement sermon at that
hour. No other business, Conference adjourned

Bro W H Hodges Mod
Mrs Lola Edins C.C.

Church met in service and conference on
Sat night June 17, 1945. Minute approved
as read. Motion made and carried that
our morning service during the revival
begin at 111 o'clock and evening service at
8:30. Bro Lewis, Cushing Tex, has agreed
to sing for the revival
Bro Hodges asked the church to
release him for the month of August
in order for him to meet his revival
engagements. Motion made and carried
that his request be granted if he in
turn would send some one from the
college go fill his appointments here.
A letter of dismission was granted to
Bro E. H. Bell by motion & sec. No other business
conference adjourned.

Bro W. H. Hodges Mod
Mrs Lola Edins C. C.

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