Minutes 040




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Our revival began as scheduled on
Third Sunday, July. A short conference
was held on July 15. Motion
carried to hold conference open during
the meeting. The deacons agreed to pay
Bro Lewis sixty dollars ($60.00) and Bro.
Hodges fifty dollars ($50.00) in addition to his
salary, for their services. Motion made
and carried that the church adopt this
agrument. Motion made and carried
that church send $10.00 for missions
at this time.
Conference adjourned in order
Bro W H Hodges Mod
Mrs Lola Edins C.C.

No conference was held in August.

First Baptist church met in regular
service and conference that might Sept 15,
1945. Minute approved as corrected.

This being the regular time to
elect church and S. S. officers, this
order of business was entered into and
the following were elected:
Church clerk - Mrs Lola Edins
Church Treasurer - H. G. Sparks
S. S. Supt. - C. C. Crawford
Asst. Supt. - H. G. Sparks
Gen. Sec. - Frances Sharp

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