Minutes 041
Men's class - R. L. Jordan
Women's class - Mrs C C Crawford
Senior - Mrs Lola Edins
Intermediate - Earl Crawford
Primary class - Mrs Dovie Gellatly
Substitute teacher - Mrs Ralph Broome
Pianist - Margie Smith
Song leader - Earl Crawford
Motion carried to elect messengers to the
Mt. Zion Asso. Which convenes with the
Laneville church. Messengers elected
were Mr and Mrs A J Borton and
Mr. Robt Morris Alternates, R. L. Jordan
and H. G. Sparks. Motive carried that
in case these named cannot attend
any member who does attend act as
our representatives, Motion carried to
invite the Asso. to meet with this
church next Year. Motion carried
that church send $3.00 for minutes
The Women's Auxilery gave their
yearly report also new officers. Motion
carried that the church approve both.
Motion, carried that the church put
up a deposit of $10.00 for security for
city water. Motion carried that
$10.00 be given from the church treasury
to Bro G D. Kellen for J. B. C.
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