Minutes 042




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Motion carried that church enter into
election of Pastor for the coming year.
Bro. H. G. Sparks was elected Mod.
Bro. W. H. Hodges was nominated and
unanimously elected
Motion carried that his salary remain
the same as this year. Bro Hodges
made a statement that he saw nothing
at this time in the way of his accepting
the work.
On Sunday after Bro G. D. Keller's sermon
$33.75 was given as Victory offering
for J.B.C. The Associational letter was
read and adopted with the understanding
that it be completed later.
No other business conference adjourned
Eld W.H. Hodges Mod.
Mrs Lola Edins C.C.

The First Baptist Church met in regular
service and conference Sat. night Oct 20, 1945
Minute was approved as read.
The treasurer gave the yearly financial report.
Motion made and carried that the report be
adopted Motion carried that a letter of dismission
be granted to Sister Sarah Boulware
as she has requested.
Messengers were elected to the State meeting
(Hilsboro) as follows: Mrs A.H. Boulware and

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