Minutes 044
Church met in regular service and
conference Dec. 15, 1945. Minute approved
as read. No business to transact, conference
adjourned in order
Bro W.H Hodges Mod
Mrs Lola Edins C.C.
On Sunday night Nov 4th 1945.
A special offering was taken for the Baptist
Missionary Association which amounted to $9.00.
It was moved and carried that the church
pay $5.00 each from the treasury to JBC,
Missions and the Orphan's Home. This making $8.00 to each phase of the work - total $24.00
Mrs Elsie Pitman joined the church on
the forth coming of a letter from the First
Baptist Church of Carthage.
Bro W. H. Hodges Mod
Mrs Mary Sparks C. Protem.
First Baptist Church met in regular
service and conference Sat. night
Jan 19, 1946. Due to absence of clerk no
minute was read.
Motion carried to invite Bro E.D.Keller
to be with the church 1st Sunday in
On Sunday Jan 20 the minute was read
and adopted. The quarterly report was
was given by the treasurer and adopted
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