Minutes 045



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+The quarterly report of the Women's Aux
was given and adopted.
Motion made and carried that the
church write Bro G.D. Keller to conduct
our revival meeting and the time
of the meeting be decided on at our next
conference meeting. Motion carried to
send Bro. E. L. James a donation of $10.00
and any personal donation would
be saccepted and sent at the same time
(Total amt send was $15.00).
No other business won. adjourned
Bro Hodges Mod
Mrs L Edins C.C.
On Feb. 3, 1946 Motion made and carried that
our revival meeting start 1st Sunday
in June. Bro Obie Barton visited in the
moring service on offering for missions id
Mt Zion Asso. was taken - total $15.00

First Baptist Church met in regular
conference Sat. night Feb 16 , 1946
Minute of previous meeting read and
adopted. It was announced by Bro
Hodges that Bro E.D. Keller would be
with us at the morning sevice 3rd Sun.
in April.
At the morning service Feb 17, Mr and
Mrs Patterson became members of this
church by letters from the Mobberly Baptist

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