Minutes 046




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Church of Longview Tex. Bro W.J. Elliott
was received on forth coming of a letter
from the First Baptist Church Longview.
Miss Robbie Lou Shamburger presented
herself for membership by experience.
It was moved and carried that she be
received for baptism and after baptism
into full fellowship with the church
No other business conference adjourned
Bro.W.H. Hodges Mod
Mary Sparks C. Protem.

T.B.C. met in conference and service Sat.
night March 16, 1946. Minute approved & read.
Motion made and carried that church
buy venetian blinds for the two windows
behind the pulpit. Motion carried that
the ladies select the blinds.
Bro. Burch was asked to to lead the
singing during the revival.
no other bus. conference adjourned
Bro W. H. Hodges Mod
Mrs L. Edens C.C.

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