Spring 2021 Letters from Telecommuting

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First Baptist Church of Beckville, 1944

Minutes 037
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Minutes 037

First Baptist met in conference on Sat. night Jan. 20, 1946. As the clerk was absent no minte was read. The treasurers report was given and approved. Bro Horace Sparks reported that a card had been received from Bro. E.L. Jones thanking the church for the $10.00 offering sent him. A motion carried authorizing the Deacons of the church to lease the church's lot, for mineral rights if possible. Conference left open. On Sunday Jan 21 a motion carried to omit services Sun. night on account of bad weather. Conference adjourned.

Bro W. H. Hodges Mod Mrs Robt. Morris C. Protem

Church held conference on Sunday 2-18-45 after the 11 o'clock serman. No service being had on Sat. due to bad weather.

Minutes of Dec and Jan were read and approved. Time to set our revival meeting was discussed. Motion carried that the revival start 3rd Sunday in July.

Nothing else to come before the church, conference adjourned on Sun. night.

Bro W H Hodges Mod Mrs Lola Edins C.C.

Last edit about 1 year ago by willirl
Minutes 038
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Minutes 038

First Baptist Church met in regular service and conference March 17, 1945Minute approved as read Motion carried that the deacons act as trustees of the church since the leasing of the church property required a board of trustees. No other business to come before the church conference adjourned.

Mrs Lola Edins C C Bro W. H. Hodges Mod.

First Baptist Church met in regular service and conference April 14, 1945. No minue read due to absence of clerk. Motion and carried that letters of dismission be granted to Mr and Mrs Otis Welch. Motion carried that the church give an offering to Mrs Doris Beason Murphy (help in sickness of husband). On Sunday night motion carried that the church invited Bro Banks to be the singer for our revival No other business conference adjourned.

Bro W. H. Hodges Mod Mrs Lola Edins C.C.

Bro Banks could not accept church voted to invite Bro Lewis of Cushing.

Last edit about 1 year ago by willirl
Minutes 039
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Minutes 039

Church met in service and conference Sat. night May 18th 1945. Minutes of March and April were read and approved. Letters of dismission were granted by motion & second to Mr and Mrs Earl Cherry and their son Joe Earl Cherry. Motion carried to despense with Sunday night service as our Pastor is to preach Commencement sermon at that hour. No other business, Conference adjourned

Bro W H Hodges Mod Mrs Lola Edins C.C.

Church met in service and conference on Sat night June 17, 1945. Minute approved as read. Motion made and carried that our morning service during the revival begin at 111 o'clock and evening service at 8:30. Bro Lewis, Cushing Tex, has agreed to sing for the revival Bro Hodges asked the church to release him for the month of August in order for him to meet his revival engagements. Motion made and carried that his request be granted if he in turn would send some one from the college go fill his appointments here. A letter of dismission was granted to Bro E. H. Bell by motion & sec. No other business conference adjourned.

Bro W. H. Hodges Mod Mrs Lola Edins C. C.

Last edit about 1 year ago by willirl
Minutes 040
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Minutes 040

Our revival began as scheduled on Third Sunday, July. A short conference was held on July 15. Motion carried to hold conference open during the meeting. The deacons agreed to pay Bro Lewis sixty dollars ($60.00) and Bro. Hodges fifty dollars ($50.00) in addition to his salary, for their services. Motion made and carried that the church adopt this agrument. Motion made and carried that church send $10.00 for missions at this time. Conference adjourned in order Bro W H Hodges Mod Mrs Lola Edins C.C.

No conference was held in August.

First Baptist church met in regular service and conference that might Sept 15, 1945. Minute approved as corrected.

This being the regular time to elect church and S. S. officers, this order of business was entered into and the following were elected: Church clerk - Mrs Lola Edins Church Treasurer - H. G. Sparks S. S. Supt. - C. C. Crawford Asst. Supt. - H. G. Sparks Gen. Sec. - Frances Sharp

Last edit about 1 year ago by willirl
Minutes 041
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Minutes 041

Teachers Men's class - R. L. Jordan Women's class - Mrs C C Crawford Senior - Mrs Lola Edins Intermediate - Earl Crawford Primary class - Mrs Dovie Gellatly Substitute teacher - Mrs Ralph Broome Pianist - Margie Smith Song leader - Earl Crawford

Motion carried to elect messengers to the Mt. Zion Asso. Which convenes with the Laneville church. Messengers elected were Mr and Mrs A J Borton and Mr. Robt Morris Alternates, R. L. Jordan and H. G. Sparks. Motive carried that in case these named cannot attend any member who does attend act as our representatives, Motion carried to invite the Asso. to meet with this church next Year. Motion carried that church send $3.00 for minutes The Women's Auxilery gave their yearly report also new officers. Motion carried that the church approve both. Motion, carried that the church put up a deposit of $10.00 for security for city water. Motion carried that $10.00 be given from the church treasury to Bro G D. Kellen for J. B. C.

Last edit about 1 year ago by willirl
Minutes 042
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Minutes 042

Motion carried that church enter into election of Pastor for the coming year. Bro. H. G. Sparks was elected Mod. Bro. W. H. Hodges was nominated and unanimously elected Motion carried that his salary remain the same as this year. Bro Hodges made a statement that he saw nothing at this time in the way of his accepting the work. On Sunday after Bro G. D. Keller's sermon $33.75 was given as Victory offering for J.B.C. The Associational letter was read and adopted with the understanding that it be completed later. No other business conference adjourned Eld W.H. Hodges Mod. Mrs Lola Edins C.C.

The First Baptist Church met in regular service and conference Sat. night Oct 20, 1945 Minute was approved as read. The treasurer gave the yearly financial report. Motion made and carried that the report be adopted Motion carried that a letter of dismission be granted to Sister Sarah Boulware as she has requested. Messengers were elected to the State meeting (Hilsboro) as follows: Mrs A.H. Boulware and

Last edit about 1 year ago by willirl
Minutes 043
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Minutes 043

Mr. C.C. Crawford - alternate Mrs. C.C. Crawford. Motion carried that any member who should attend is authorized to act as alternate. On Sunday Mrs Earl Crawford asked membership with us by statement. Motion made and carried that she be received into full fellowwhip with us. Motion carried that this church help support a missionary to be placed in the field of the Mt. Zion Association. Motion carried that $5.00 per month be minimum contribution. (open for more if necessary). Earl Crawford tendered his resignation as S. S. teacher, Motion carried that it be accepted. Mrs Earl Crawford was elected in his place. No other business conference adjourned. Eld W. H. Hodges Mod Mrs L. Edins C.C.

No conference on Sat. night (Nov. 17.) On Sunday Nov. 18, 1945 after the 11 o'clock service the minute of the preceeding meeting was read and approved. Motion carried that the Cupt of S.S. be given authority to appoint substitute teachers for S. S. No business to come before the church conference adjourned. Bro. W. H. Hodges Mod Mrs L. Edins C. C.

Last edit about 1 year ago by willirl
Minutes 044
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Minutes 044

Church met in regular service and conference Dec. 15, 1945. Minute approved as read. No business to transact, conference adjourned in order Bro W.H Hodges Mod Mrs Lola Edins C.C.

On Sunday night Nov 4th 1945. A special offering was taken for the Baptist Missionary Association which amounted to $9.00. It was moved and carried that the church pay $5.00 each from the treasury to JBC, Missions and the Orphan's Home. This making $8.00 to each phase of the work - total $24.00 Mrs Elsie Pitman joined the church on the forth coming of a letter from the First Baptist Church of Carthage. Bro W. H. Hodges Mod Mrs Mary Sparks C. Protem.

First Baptist Church met in regular service and conference Sat. night Jan 19, 1946. Due to absence of clerk no minute was read. Motion carried to invite Bro E.D.Keller to be with the church 1st Sunday in April On Sunday Jan 20 the minute was read and adopted. The quarterly report was was given by the treasurer and adopted

Last edit about 1 year ago by willirl
Minutes 045
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Minutes 045

+The quarterly report of the Women's Aux was given and adopted. Motion made and carried that the church write Bro G.D. Keller to conduct our revival meeting and the time of the meeting be decided on at our next conference meeting. Motion carried to send Bro. E. L. James a donation of $10.00 and any personal donation would be saccepted and sent at the same time (Total amt send was $15.00). No other business won. adjourned Bro Hodges Mod Mrs L Edins C.C. On Feb. 3, 1946 Motion made and carried that our revival meeting start 1st Sunday in June. Bro Obie Barton visited in the moring service on offering for missions id Mt Zion Asso. was taken - total $15.00

First Baptist Church met in regular conference Sat. night Feb 16 , 1946 Minute of previous meeting read and adopted. It was announced by Bro Hodges that Bro E.D. Keller would be with us at the morning sevice 3rd Sun. in April. At the morning service Feb 17, Mr and Mrs Patterson became members of this church by letters from the Mobberly Baptist

Last edit about 1 year ago by willirl
Minutes 046
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Minutes 046

Church of Longview Tex. Bro W.J. Elliott was received on forth coming of a letter from the First Baptist Church Longview. Miss Robbie Lou Shamburger presented herself for membership by experience. It was moved and carried that she be received for baptism and after baptism into full fellowship with the church No other business conference adjourned Bro.W.H. Hodges Mod Mary Sparks C. Protem.

T.B.C. met in conference and service Sat. night March 16, 1946. Minute approved & read. Motion made and carried that church buy venetian blinds for the two windows behind the pulpit. Motion carried that the ladies select the blinds. Bro. Burch was asked to to lead the singing during the revival. no other bus. conference adjourned Bro W. H. Hodges Mod Mrs L. Edens C.C.

Last edit about 1 year ago by willirl
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