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First Baptist Church of Beckville, 1944
Minutes 046
Church of Longview Tex. Bro W.J. Elliott was received on forth coming of a letter from the First Baptist Church Longview. Miss Robbie Lou Shamburger presented herself for membership by experience. It was moved and carried that she be received for baptism and after baptism into full fellowship with the church No other business conference adjourned Bro.W.H. Hodges Mod Mary Sparks C. Protem.
T.B.C. met in conference and service Sat. night March 16, 1946. Minute approved & read. Motion made and carried that church buy venetian blinds for the two windows behind the pulpit. Motion carried that the ladies select the blinds. Bro. Burch was asked to to lead the singing during the revival. no other bus. conference adjourned Bro W. H. Hodges Mod Mrs L. Edens C.C.
Minutes 047
First Baptist Church met in conference Sat night Apr. 20, 1946. Due to absence of our Pastor Bro R. L Jordan was elected Mod. The minute of previous meeting was read and approved. A letter of dismission was granted to Mary Jane Barrow by her request. No other business was transacted, conference adjourned in order R. L Jordan Mod Mrs L Edens CC.
First Baptist Church met in regular service and conference on Sat. night May 18, 1946. Minute approved as read. Motion made and carried that this church invite the next Workers' meeting provided Mt Enterprise turns it down. Motion made and carried that Bro AJBarton and Mrs C.C. Crawford represent the church in the next Fifth Sun. meeting. The quarterly report was given the treasurer and accepted. Bro. Z. L. Jones preached at this service. Motion made and carried that the gift from the church to the Boy's dormatory at Jacksonville be recorded in the minute. No other business conference adjourned Bro. W. H. Hodges Mod Mrs Edens CC The revival was held as scheduled from 1st to 2nd Sunday in June. Bro. Keller of Jacksonville leading the service and Bro. Burch leading the singing.
Minutes 048
First Baptist Church met in regular service and conference on Sat. night June 15, 1946. Minute approved as read.
After a discussion on installing Butane in the church building - a motion was made and carried that a committee be appointed to have Butane installed and see how many stoves will be needed. The committee Frank Smith, L.R. Sharp and H.G. Sparks. Motion made and carried that a committee be appointed to contact people as to donations to pay for the Butane system. Committee Mrs Boulware, Mrs Edins, Mrs Mattie Smith Mrs Mary Sparks, Sarah Boulware and Mrs. K. Armstrong.
Motion made and carried that Bro Hodges be excused from his appointment on 3rd Sunday in August as he is to be in a meeting. Motion made and carried that Church invite Bro. C.B. Stanley to fill this appointment.
No other business converence adjourned.
Bro. W. H. Hodges Mod. Mrs Lola Edins C.C.
Minutes 049
First Baptist Church met in regular conference on Sat. night July 20, 1946. Our Pastor being absent Bro. L. R. Sharp was elected moderator. The minute of the preceding meeting was read and adopted. H. G. Sparks also made the quarterly report on the Butane System, motion made and carried that the committee see that the job is completed and that four openings be put in. Motion made and carried that church send Bro. E. R. Jones $10.00. No other business conference adjourned. L.R. Sharp Mod Mrs Lola Edins C.C. On 1st Sunday in Aug. Mr and Mrs Ralph Briggs put their membership in the church on the forthcoming of a letter from 1st Baptist Church Carthage. Bro. W. H. Hodges Mod.
Minutes 050
First Baptist Church met in regular service and conference on Sat. night Aug. 17, 1946. Our Pastor being absent Bro. C. B. Stanley filled the pulpit. The minute of the previous meeting was approved as read. The arranging of a program for the Workers meeting was mentioned. L.R. Sharp being previously appointed as program chairman, a motion was made and carried that A.J. Barton and Bro Stanley assisting mapping out a program. No other business conference adjourned. Bro. C.B. Stanley Mod Mrs Lola Edurst C.C.
First Baptist Church met in regular service and conference Sat. night Sep. 14, 1946. Minute of the preceding meeting was approved as read. Bro. L.R. Sharp gave a report that the Butane System was put in the church and was complete except stoves. Motion carried that this report be accepted. Motion carried that the committee be instructed to install fine stoves. Motion made and carried that the church piano be tuned and the following committee was appointed to attend the labor on piano: Mrs Edens,Sarah Bonhuare and Margie Smith. Messengers were elected to the Mt. Qion Asso. which convenes at Clayton, Messengers are, L. R. Sharp Mr and Mrs A J Barton. Motion carried that any member who attends are authorized to
Minutes 186
insertation. Letter of dismission was granted to Vera Knight Tyson. A letter was read from Brother E. E. Smithart asking that the financial situation of the Stone Hights Church at Henderson be brought vefore the Church and that we decide if we were willing to continue helping this church. a motion passed to let this item of business wait until the following Wensday night in order that Brother Stringer might give us more information. Mrs. Robert Morris Made a motion that the church asume the responsibality of the actions of the Deacons in refrence to them having the new floors of the parsonage finished by Brown Lumber Company. The motion passed. Mrs Broome tendered her resignation as president of the extension Sunday School Department. Motion made and passed to accept the resignation. A rising vote of thanks was given Mrs. Broome for her unselfish service rendered while Woring with the extension department. A motion passed to Allow Mrs Broome to work out the schedule for the pianist to include the B.T.S. Services. Conf. ajourned
Bro. L.R. Sharp Mod. Maggie Bell C.C.
On Sunday night March 28-54. Arlan Ross was reelected presedent of B.T.S. and Marguarett Beason Choir director for B.T.S.
Bro Stringer Mod. Maggie Bell C.C.
Funeral Home Records 1967-1969
March 29 - 1969 Sid Robert. 59 Ford Car $144.67 by Jipton Ford Inc. Total amount $244.67 3-29-69 - Check by Sid Robert 144.67 Due May 1-1969 Balance $100.00
Sparks (Decease) Mr. Artemes Sparks 1-11-67
7-15-68 Balance Due $85.00
Mrs. Willie May Sparks Route by Box 135 Nacoy, Tex. 75961
Jolbert Mrs. Rixie Jolbert (Decease) 2-1-67 6-9-67 Balance due $75.00
Rev. Claus Jolbert Route 4 Box 328 Nacay Joekes, Texas 75961
Sparks Service Mrs, Ada Mae Sparks (Decease) 4-3-67 Balance Due $166.50 $10.00 $156.50
Mr. Clearance Sparks 803 Oquinn St. Lufkin, Texas