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First Baptist Church of Beckville, 1893
Minutes 058
Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church At Beckville Texas
Met in regular conference on Saturday before the first Sunday in July A. D. 1894. The privilege of the church was extended for the reception of members - none received. The minute of June was read and adopted. Bro. F. L. Browning asked for a letter of dismission for Bro. W. R. Goode, (at Bro. Goodes request) which the church refused to grant as Bro. Goode failed state his reason for wanting a letter Bros. F. L. Browning and B. F. Whitfield were appointed to see Bro. Goode and report to the church his reason for wanting a letter. Brother L. H. Gage made acknowledgements to the church for disorderly conduct and asked the pardon and prayer of the brethen which was granted. It was moved and seconed that the church send delegates to the district meeting which convenes with Mt. Enterprise Church on Friday before the fifth Sunday in July. Brethen L. H. Gage, B. F. Whitfield and Jno. W. Sharp were elected delegates and Robt. Sterrett alternate. No other business before the church conference adjourned until Sunday.
Eld. B. W. King Mod. Jno. W. Sharp Church Clerk.
Minutes 059
Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church At Beckville, Tex.
Met on the first Sunday in July A. D. 1894. After preaching by pastor B. W. King the church was called together in conference and the following business transacted viz.
The privilege of the church was extended for the reception of members. Bro. W. J. Bell and wife Fannie Bell presented letters and were received into full fellowship with this church. The committee appointed to see Bro. Goode made a report and stated that he wanted a letter for the purpose of joining an other church of the same faith and order. By move and second he was granted a letter.
No other business before the church conference adjourned.
Eld. B. W. King, Mod. Jno. W. Sharp Church Clerk.
Minutes 068
Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church At Beckville Texas
Met in conference on Saturday before the third Sunday in July A. D. 1895. The privilege of the church was extended for the reception of members none received. The minute of last meeting was read and adopted. Sisters Bessie Sharp and Minnie Allison (nee Minnie Sharp) asked for letters of dismission which were granted. It was suggested that the church rules of decorum be read at our next regular conference. There being no other business before the church conference adjourned.
Eld. B. W. King, Mod. Jno. W. Sharp Church Clerk.
Minutes 165
with the first Baptist Church of Carthage, Texas on Thursday night August the 28th 1913. The committee on painting the house reported the work completed. A motion to adjourn prevailed.
Eld. E. L. Jones, Mod. J. W. Sharp, Church Clerk.
Beckville, Texas, Saturday Sept. 20th 1913. Mount Pleasant Baptist Church met in regular conference for business. The privilege of the church was extended for the reception of members - none received. Minutes of our last regular meeting read and approved. A motion prevailed to elect messengers to the Mount Zion Association which meets with Friendship Church at Jumbo, Panola County, Texas, on Saturday, Oct. 4th, 1913. H. T. Barnett, A. J. Barton and E. L. Jones were elected messengers and R. A. Randsom and J. W. Sharp alternates. Brother E. L. Jones was elected executive committeeman to represent this church in all meetings of said committee of the Mount Zion Association. A motion inviting the Mount Zion Association to meet with us in 1914 prevailed. No other business conference adjourned.
Eld. E. L. Jones, Mod. J. W. SHarp, Church Clerk.
Proceedings of a regular conference of Mount Pleasant Baptist Church held on Saturday, Oct. 18th, 1913. The privilege of the church was extended for the reception of memembers - H. F. Collins applied for membership on the promise of a letter and was received. Minutes of the preceeding meeting read and approved. Nothing else conference adjourned.
Eld. E. L. Jones, Mod. J. W. Sharp, Church Clerk.
First Baptist Church of Beckville, 1925
Sparks Resignation
To Beckville First Baptist Church:
Dear Brethern:
I herewith tender my resignation as Treasurer, effective as of this date.
My reasons for offering to resign is that I do not wish to stand in the way of the progress of this church, and there are younger members who could serve efficently. I have served my time, and as well as I knew how, God being my helper
H.G.Sparks June 30/52H. G. Sparks
June 30-1952 HGS
Cover Page
Oct 17, 1925-Dec 18,1943
CHURCH ROLL Alphabetically Arrange AND RECORD BOOK
THE JUDSON PRESS Philladelphia Boston Seattle Chicago Los Angeles New York Kanas City Toronto
Order from the Nearest House
Minutes 033
represent us in Baptist Missionary Association of Texas which convenes with Baptist Church of Ennis Texas, Nov. 17, 1926. It was also agreed that in absence of our elected messengers, any member who attended the meeting should act as messengers. On Sunday Oct 17, our Pastor was present and preached at eleven and at night service. Conference being left open for this service. Church elected M.G. Broome as another messenger to association. Bros. and Sister E.T. Howard presented letters for membership and were received into full fellowship with us. Church voted that we have roll call of our members on next preaching day-on Sunday at eleven o'clock service.
No other business, conference adjourned.
Bro E.T. Howard Mod. Mrs Lola Edens Church Clerk Pro tem
Minutes 034
Resolutions of Respect.
We your committee of Mount Pleasant Baptist Church of Beckville Tex, beg leave to submit the following resolutions in loving remembrance and high appreciation of our lamented friend and brother Alonzo T Sharp.
Be it resolved That Mt Pleasant Baptist Church has lost one of her most faithful members. We miss his prayers, his presence, safe councils and admonitions.
Be it resolved, That whereas for thirty-nine years of continual membership with us, he was loyal to the church, taking an active part in all her deliberations.
Be it resolved, That his wife and children have lost a devoted companion and father. Beckville and community have lost a faithful and loyal citizen.
Be it further resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be furnished his family a copy be sent to the Baptist Progress with request to publish and a copy be entered on our church record.
Done by order of church in conference.
RH Goodnight Mod CC Wyatt TD Matthews Mrs Lola Edens Committee.
Minutes 035
Mount Pleasant Baptist church met in regular conference Nov. 20, 26.
Minutes of preceeding meeting read and after some corrections approved. Bro ET Howard gave a report of Fifth Sunday meeting which met with Roquemore Church. Bro Howard also gave a report of BMA meeting which convened at Ennis Meeting good and a collection of Twenty five dollars and twenty cents was given for State and foriegn missions. The committee on Mile of Dimes not pressent to report. Since our Pastor has moved on the field we have prayer meeting on Wednesday night of each week.
Motion and carried that church elect five Deacons in addition to the two we now have, on Sunday night. Motion and carried that Deacons see about getting a janitor for church building. Conference left open until Sunday. On Sunday at eleven o'clock preaching by Pastor. Roll call defered on account of weather also elections of Deacons.
On Dec. 4 and 5, preaching by Pastor. The subject for morning and eevning service no Sunday being "The Church Covanant." During this service Bro and Sister JS Newman asked for letters of dismission. Requests granted. Church voted to recognize Dr Rousseau as Deacon, he having been ordained as such before placing his letter we have just learned the fact. Church elected four new deacons, Bros Frank Whitiker, IN Metcalf
Minutes 036
WH Griffin and JT Sharp. Roll call again set for next service, being overlooked at this time. No other business conference adjourned.
Bro ET Howard Mod. Mrs Lola Edens Clerk Protem (Church roll called 1st Sun. Dec. 1926)
Mount Pleasant Baptist Church met on regular conference on Sat. Dec. 18, 1926. Minutes of proceeding meeting read and approved. Committee on Mile of Dimes retained. Motion and carried that next Fifth Sunday night be set for the ordination of the newly elected Deacons. Motion and carried that Church go into the election of Church Clerk. Mrs Lola Edens was elected. Bros. EL Ethridge and ET Barton were appointed as committee to see about casing up the North side of Church building.
No other business conference adjourned
Bro ET Howard Mod Mrs. Lola Edens Clerk Protem.
On Sunday, Jan. 2, 1927, after preaching by Pastor, invitation was extended for members. Bro. J Bryan Vaughan was received by letter.
Bro ET Howard Mod Mrs Lola Edens C.C.