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First Baptist Church of Beckville, 1925
Minutes 037
Mt Pleasant Baptist Church met in regular conference on Sat. Jan. 12, 1927.
Minutes of preceeding meeting read and approved. Committee on Mile of Dimes was excused discharged. Motion and carried that since there seemed some objection to closing up the North side of Church building on account of ventilation, the committee go ahead with the work leaving plenty ventilation. Sisters Jennie Conway, Ada Barber, Josie Zorn, Bro. A.J. Barton & wife were appointed delegates to Fifth Sunday meeting which convenes with the Brooks Chapel Church.
Motion and carried that we elect soliciting committee to solicit material and etc for building parsonage. Bros. M.G. Broome, W.H. Griffin, Dr J.F. Rousseau, T.E. Barber, A.J. Barton and E.T. Barton were elected. Motion and carried that when this committee finds sufficient material on hand or subscribed, go ahead with work of the building. Conference left open until next meeting. Bro ET Howard Mod. Mrs. Lola Edens Church Clerk
On Jan. 30, 1927 — Fifth Sunday night preaching by Bro Henry of Carthage, Tex. Ordination of Deacons deferred to some later date.
Bro. E.T. Howard, Mod. Mrs. Lola Edens, C.C.
Minutes 038
Mt Pleasant Baptist Church met in regular service and conference, Sat. Feb. 19, 1927. Minutes of preceeding meeting read and approved. Report of Fifth Sunday meeting which met with Brooks Chapel, was given. Motion and carried that we retain the committee on closing North side of Church building. Report of Committee on Parsonage building was given but no material on the ground yet. Motion and carried that the committee of men on Parsonage building be retained and a number of ladies added, the names being given on Sunday and are as follows: Mrs. Dr. J.F. Rousseau, Mrs Mary Sparks, Mrs M.G. Broome, Mrs. DeAlma Nisbett. Setting a date for ordination of Deacon was deferred until later. Mention was made as to our revival meeting but left to be decided on Sunday, which was then set by motion and second, to be Third Sunday in July. Motion and carried that we elect Bro. E.T. Howard as messenger to the American Baptist Association which convenes at Hot Springs, Ark. Mar. 8. This also left pending until Sunday, when the Church agreed to send Bro. E.T. Howard and to defray his expenses, also if any other member could be able to attend this meeting, also act as messenger. Motion and carried that Church lot be surveyed. No other busness, con. adj. Bro. E.T. Howard, Mod. Mrs. Lola Edens Church Clerk
Minutes 042
On Sunday May 12, 1927, Mt Pleasant Baptist Church met in regular service. Sat. service being postponed on account of cemetery working at Langly Cemetery, our Pastor being requested to preach there at 11 o'clock service. Request was made that all who could go to Fifth Sunday meeting, which convenes with Liberty Church, would be considered Delegates to this meeting.
Bro J.J. Gills presented himself for membership with us on promise of a letter. After statement made by him, motion and carried that he be received. After preaching by our Pastor, The Lord's Supper was observed.
Bro ET Howard Mod. Mrs Lola Edens Church Clerk.
Mount Pleasant Baptist Church met in regular conference on Sat., June 18, 1927. Minutes of preceeding meeting read and approved. Motion and carried that Parsonage Plan committee be granted more time. Surveying committee not ready to report. Bro Howard gave report of Fifth Sunday meeting which convened with Liberty Church. Bro. T.E. Barber requested a letter of dismission but Church defered action until he could be consulted personally. No other business conference adjourned in order.
Br ET Howard Mod Mrs Lola Edens Church Clerk.
On Sunday, June 19, 1927, Church voted to have services on Second Sat. and Sunday in July instead of Third as usual, in order that our Pastor
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may help hold a revival meeting at another place, at that time
Bro ET Howard Mod Mrs AL Edens Church Clerk.
Mt Pleasant Baptist Church met, according to previous appointment, Aug. 15, 1927, for the beginning of our revival meeting. Our Pastor Bro ET Howard as preacher and Bro. _____ Nipper of Jacksonville as singer. On Sat. Aug 20, this being our regular conference day, Church voted to defer our business meeting until on Sat. before First Sunday in Sept. The following members were received; Miss Opal Mae Howard by letter Aug. 22, Mr Horace Sparks and Mr Lavelle Barton by experience and baptism, Aug. 23, and Miss Aline Hanimous by experience and baptism Aug 24. Baptism of candidates deferred until 1st Sun in Sept.
Bro ET Howard Mod. Mrs Lola Edens C.C.
Mt Pleasant Baptist met in conference on Sat. before First Sunday in Sept. Minutes of preceeding meeting read and approved. Motion and carried that the Parsonage Plan committee be granted more time, motion and carried that Surveying committee be granted more time. Motion and carried that letter of dismission be granted Bro T.E. Barber. Motion and carried that a committee be appointed to cooperate with the Deacons to see what the Church will be able to pay Pastor for the coming year. The committee appointed namely, Sisters M.G. Broome, JF Rousseau, HA Barber and A.L. Edens. Motion and
Minutes 044
carried that Church go into election of Messengers to the Mt. Zion Association which convenes with Zion Hill Church, Sept, 30, 1927. Bro and Sister Howard and Bro AJ Barton were elected as messengers and Sisters Jennie Conway and Lola Edens as alternates. Should none elected attend, then any member who should attend are authorized to act as messenger. Bro AJ Barton was appointed to select a place for the baptizing. Sister Minnie Crawford asked for a letter of dismission, which was granted. Motion and carried that Church take collection for State Missons on Sunday. Sept, 4, (Sunday) candidates were baptized in Brashier and Crawford mill pond. Bro AJ Barton was discharged from committee on place of Baptism. The collection of missions was defered until next Service on Sunday.
Conference adjourned.
Bro ET Howard Mod Mrs AL Edens Church Clerk.
Mt Pleasant Baptist Church met in regular conference Sept, 18, 1927. Minutes of preceding meeting read and approved. By motion and second the Parsonage Plan committee and Surveying committee were granted more time. Motion and carried that the committee appointed to cooperate with the deacons, be granted more time and to meet together at the church Sunday, 3 o'clock. On condition that the collection for State missions was not taken on day set, church agreed to attend this matter Sunday. Motion and carried that the calling of Pastor be deferred until Sunday night. Motion and carried that Church observed the Lords Supper tomorrow (Sunday) on regular time.
Conference left open.
Minutes 045
On Sunday, Sept, 19, at the eleven o'clock services, after preaching by Pastor, Church observed Lords Supper. Sunday night after preaching---. Motion and carried that the Associational letter be adopted, although incomplete, giving the clerk and messengers orders to complete before time for Association. Motion and carried that we dispense with the next Sat. service as our Pastor will be in the Association meeting. Motion and carried that Bro Howard act as our Moderator during the business of calling a Pastor for coming year. Bro Howard was nominated. Motion and carried that nominations close. Bro. E.T. Howard was unanimously elected at a salary of 70000, and he accepted. No other business conference adjourned in order.
Bro ET Howard Moderator Mrs AL Edens Church Clerk.
Mount Pleasant Baptist Church met in regular conference Oct., 15, 1927. Minutes of preceding meeting read and after some corrections approved. Motion and carried that the Parsonage Plan committee and surveying committee be retained. Motion and carried that the committee appointed to co-operate with the Deacons, in regard Pastors salary, be discharged. Report of the Associational meeting held at Zion Hill was given by our Pastor, being the only one who attended. No other business conference adjourned until Sunday. Bro ET Howard Mod,
Mrs Lola Edens C.C.
Minutes 047
Mount Pleasant Baptist Church met in regular conference Dec, 18, 1927, Minutes read and approved. Motion and carried that the Surveying committee be discharged. Motion and carried that we retain Parsonage Plan committee and order clerk to refer to old minutes as to the Building and Soliciting committee and report. Motion and carried that Church recind the action of standing by the Ladies Aid in their contract of buying land to present to the Church as before mentioned. Motion and carried that a committee be appointed to notify the Ladies Aid of our action. Bro C C [Wyatt] was appointed. Motion and carried that the Church gladly accept the lot, on which to build a parsonage donated by Bro. and Sister H.G. Sparks. Motion and carried that we give a [????will] offering to help [defray?] expenses of Bro Howard to B.M.A. meeting in Nov. 27.
No other business conference adjourned
Bro ET Howard Moel Mrs Lola Edens Church Clerk.
Minutes 050
Mount Pleasant Baptist Church met in regular conference Apr, 14, 1928. Minutes approved as read. Motion and carried that any member who goes to the Fifth Sunday meeting which convenes--- be regarded as delegates. Motion and carried that we appoint a committee to canvas members for collection for J.B.C. Jacksonville, [Tex?], Bro. E.T. Howard and Bro CC Wyatt were elected as committee. Motion and carried that we leave conference open until Sunday to decide how to instruct our Board member as to a matter of business (buying tent) to be discussed at the Fifth Sunday meeting. On Sunday - nothing was done.
Bro ET Howard Mod. Mrs Lola Edens C.C.
Mt Pleasant Baptist Church met in service and regular conference May, 19, 1928. Minutes approved. No one attended Fifth Sunday meeting, hence no report. Report of committee on collection for J.B.C. $30,65 in hand and one dollar to be gotten. - in all $3165, Committee was retained. Motion and carried that we dispense with services on Sunday on account of the Commencement Service at M.E. church. No other business conference adjourned.
Bro ET Howard Mod Mrs Lola Edens C.C.
Minutes 053
be present to act as alternates. Motion carried that we authorize our treasurer to give a check of $300 for minutes of the Association. Motion carried that we instruct our Messengers to indurse [endorse] putting an able Missionary on the Field of the Mt Zion Association.
This being our regular time to call a Pastor for coming year, motion carried that we go into election of Pastor. Bro ET Howard was nominated, Bro CC Wyatt acting as Moderator, a rising vote was taken, 22 for and 3 against. Motion carried that conference be left open til Sunday night.
On Sunday Miss Johnnie Lee Feamster tendered her resignation as Sunday school teacher of class No. 2. Motion carried that her resignation be accepted by the Church. Bro E.T. Howard accepted the care of the Church as Pastor for the coming year. Motion carried that Mrs Mary Sparks, Mrs Lola Edens and Mrs Chester Crawford be appointed a committee to help collect balance on our Pastor's salary for last year. Sunday night the Associational letter was read and adopted.
Bro E.T. Howard Mad Mrs Lola Edens Church Clerk.
Minutes 055
Before discussing these charges, a word of prayer was offered, after which followed the discussion, and motion carried that the Church sustain these charges. The following charges were prefered against Bro Broume - First - for contempt of the Church. Second - for endeavoring to cause division and strife among the members. Motion carried that Church sustain these charges. Motion carried that Church appoint a committee to see them, carrying them a copy of the charges, Bro EL Ethridge was appointed and he was given authority to appoint another, he appointed Bro. A.J. Barton. Church elected messengers to State Meeting - B.M.A. - which convenes at Dallas. Bro and Sister Howard were elected, motion carried that should any other member attend they be authorized to act as messenger. Motion carried to adjourn
Bro ET Howard Mod. Mrs Lola Edens Church Clerk.
Church observed the "Lord's Supper" on Sunday, after 11o' clock sermon Oct, 21, 1928.