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First Baptist Church of Beckville, 1925
Minutes 105
First Baptist Church met in regular service and conference on 3rd Sat in July 1935. Minute approved as read. The paint committee reported that the roof had been repaired and the expense was $5.00, the paint has been recieved. Report of the organization of the B.Y.P.U. was given and church voted to approve the officers elected.
Bro. Stanly asked to be excused from meeting on Sunday, since he had been asked to preach at Six Mile on Sunday night. Motion carried to excuse him. No other business, conference adjourned.
Bro CB Stanly Mod. Mrs Lola Edens C.C.
First Baptist Church met in regular service on Sunday 3rd in August. Our Pastor was not here on Saturday. Minute was read and approved. Paint committee was retained until papering is discussed. No business to come before the church, conference adjourned in order.
Bro. C.B. Stanly Mod. Mrs. Lola Edens C.C.
Minutes 107
Sat. night.
Bro. Stanly was called back into the building, told of his election, he announced that he would give the church an answer later. Conference was left open.
On Sunday night the Associational letter was read and adopted.
Conference adjourned in order
Bro. C.B. Stanly Mod. Mrs Lola Edens C.C.
First Baptist Church met in regular conference and service Sat. night Oct. 15, 1935. Minute approved as read.
Mrs. JF Rousseau gave a report of the Asso. meeting which transpired on Friday. Mr. H.G. Sparks gave a report of that which transpired on Saturday. A car of produce is to be sent to the Orphans home from this Association. Committees were appointed to solicit and collect the produce from this church. To solicit — Mrs Nina Wade, Mrs Bertie Goode and Mrs Mary Sparks. To collect — Mr. Robert Brake, Larry Edens and Quincy Sharp. Mrs C.W. Davis and Miss Ardette Barton asked for letters of dismission which were granted by motion and second. Bro. Stanly stated that he would accept the care of the Church for the year.
Mention was made that this church would soon be fifty years old and a commeration of the fact would be very appropriate — no motion
Minutes 108
was made to that effect. The State B.M.A. convenes at Corsicana and the following Messengers were elected: Mrs Hermie Dee Boulware, Mrs Lola Edens and Mr. E.T. Barton. No other business to come before the church, conference adjourned in order.
Bro. C.B. Stanly Mod. Mrs Lola Edens C.C.
First Baptist Church met in regular service and conference Sat. night Nov. 16, 1935. Minute approved as read.
Bro Stanly gave report of B.M.A. meeting. Orphan Home committee had not completed their work. No business to come before the church conference adjourned.
Bro. C.B. Stanly Mod. Mrs. Lola Edens C.C.
First Baptist Church met in service and conference Dec 14, 1935. The clerk being absent no minute was read at that time. The Orphan Home committees were discharged. Church gave Bro Stanly a pounding after service, everyone met at the home of Mrs Hermie Dee Boulware. The minute was read and approved on Sunday night after the sermon and conference closed in order.
Bro. C.B. Stanly Mod Mrs Lola Edens C.C.
Minutes 109
Church in service and conference Sat. night Jan. 18, 1936. On account of weather very few present, no business transacted and no service held Sunday night.
First Baptist Church met in conference and service Feb. 15, 1936. No business transacted. The clerk being absent the minute was not read and approved until Sunday night. No business to come before the church conference adjourned in order.
Bro CB Stanly Mod Mrs Lola Edens Clerk
First Baptist Church met in regular conference Mar. 14, 1936. Minute approved as read. Motion carried that the revival meeting begin Third Sun. in June. Help for the revival was deferred. Discussion as to the church having a memorial service commemorating the Fiftieth anniversary of the church. Motion carried to have the memorial service. Following committee was appointed to get up a program for same: Bros. R.T. Jordan, H. G. Sparks and L.R. Sharp, Mrs Lola Edens and Mrs J.F. Rousseau. Motion carried that any member who should go to the Fifth Sun. meeting would act as delegate. No other business, conference adjourned.
Bro. C.B. Stanly Mod Mrs Lola Edens C.C.
Minutes 111
First Baptist Church met in regular service and conference June 20, 1936. Minute approved as read. Motion carried to excuse Bro Stanly from Service Sunday night. No other business conference adjourned.
Bro C.B. Starks Mod Mrs Lola Edens C.C.
Revival services started First Sunday in July. Bro. Stanly sent a substitute for the first service, Bro. A.L. Meadow was present on Sunday night. Bro Stanly came Monday. Bro. Meadow preached all the week. The following presented themselves for membership by experience and baptism; Earl Crawford, J.H. (Bumpus) Rousseau, J.T. (Wackle) Rousseau, Mrs Addie Daniels, Mrs Susie Talmage and Mrs Leona Barber. Motions carried for each one to be received into Christian fellowship and after baptism into full fellowship. The following received on promise of letters: Mr Chester Crawford, Miss Beulah Wood and Mrs Kate Smith, Mrs Smith stated that she had lost her letter, clerk is asked to write inquiries as to her letter. The ordinance of baptism was performed on Sun. P.M. five o'clock at Horace Akin pond. The hand of Church fellowship extended at closing service Sun. night.
Bro. C.B. Stanly Mod Mrs Lola Edens C.C.
Minutes 112
First Baptist Church met in regular service and conference 3rd Sat night in August 1936. Minute adopted as read.
Quarterly report of W.M.U. was read to the church and adopted. Mrs Rousseau president of W.M.U. made a statement that W.M.U. would like to give a check to the church in an official way, to be used as most beneficial. $12.00 was given to the treasurer for general fund. Motion carried that the church gladly accept, with thanks. Motion carried that the deacons select some one to help collect money for Pastors salary. Committee as follows, Mrs. Hermie Dee Boulware, Mrs J.F Rousseau, Mrs Mary Sparks, and Mrs Ada Barber.
Mrs Charles Anderson asked for a letter of dismission, to join church in Center. Motion carried the letter be granted. No other bus. con. adj.
Bro. C.B Stanly Mod Mrs Lola Edens C.C.
First Baptist Church met in regular conference Sat. night Sept. 3, 1936. Minute adopted as read. Collecting committee gave report, $32.00 cash collected, Bro AJ Barton gave a low [illegible] valued at $30.00 making a total of $62.00. Mt Jian Asso. convenes at Clayton, and following messengers were elected, Bro. AJ Barton, Bro. HG Sparks and Bro LR Sharp. Any member who should go are to act as alternates. This being regular time for electing church officials and Sunday School officers and teachers, the following were elected;
Minutes 113
Mrs Lola Edens, Church Clerk, H.G. Sparks, church treasurer.
The following S.S. officers and teachers, Supt. L.R. Sharp, Sec. Mrs Mary Sparks, Class No 1. E.T. Barton — No 2. Horace Sparks, No 3. JH Rousseau — No 4. J.T. Rousseau, No 5. Miss Neva Goode.
This being regular time to call Pastor for another year, Bro Stanly asked Bro A.J. Barton to act as Moderator during his absence, Bro Stanly left the building. Motion carried that church elect by ballot. Bro. C.B. Stanly received 12 votes, Bro. Greer Griffith 1, Bro E.L. Jones 3, Bro. A.L. Meador 3. Motion carried to make it unanimous for Bro. C.B. Stanly. He was then called back in the building and told of the election. He asked for a little time before giving an answer.
On Sunday night the association letter was read and adopted. Bro. and Sister Loyd Heaton asked for letters of dismission. Motion carried that the letters be granted.
No other business conference adjourned.
Bro CB Stanly Mod. Mrs Lola Edens C.C.
Minutes 114
First Baptist church met in regular service and conference Sat night Oct. 17, 1936. Minute approved as read.
Motion carried that the church observe the Lord's Supper on Sunday night, Oct 18, 1936.
Church elected messengers to B.M.A. which convenes at Ennis Texas. Bro. R.T. Jordan and Bro L.R. Sharp were elected as messengers and Mrs Lola Edens, Mrs. H.G. Sparks and Quincy Sharp elected as alternates.
The following committee was appointed to solicit and collect provisions to be sent, in the car from Gary, to the Orphans home. Mrs Hermie Dee Boulware, Mrs Mary Sparks, Miss Aline Crawford, Mrs Nina Wade, Quincy Sharp. No other business, conference adjourned in order.
Bro C.B. Stanly Mod Mrs Lola Edens C.C.
Church met in regular service and conference on Nov. 14, 1936. Minutes approved as read. Bro. Stanly gave report of meeting at Ennis. The Ladies Aid asked permission to put up another heater in the church. Motion carried the request be granted. Orphan home committee retained. No other bus. con. adj.
Bro. C.B. Stanly Mod. Mrs Lola Edens C.C.
Minutes 115
First Baptist met in service Sat. night Dec. 19, 1936. Minute of preceding meeting approved as read. The Orphan home committee gave a report stating that the produce collected and sent to Orphan home amounted to $29.00. Motion carried that the report be accepted and committee discharged. No other business to come before the church, conference adjourned.
Bro CB Stanly Mod Mrs Lola Edens CC
First Baptist Church met in regular service and conference Sat. night, Jan. 19, 1937. Clerk being absent no minute was read; on Sunday after the sermon the minute was approved. Bro Stanly mentioned idea of having a spring meeting and asked the church to think it over. Bro Stanly was excused from service on Sunday night on account of sickness in his home and bad wether. No other business conference adjourned.
Bro. C.B. Stanly Mod. Mrs Lola Edens C.C.
Minutes 116
First Baptist Church met in regular service and conference Sat. night, Feb 20, 1937. Minute approved as read. No decision had been made as to a Spring revival. Conference was left open 'til Sunday. No decision was made on Sunday night. No other business to come before the church. Conference adjourned in order
Bro CB Stanly Mod. Mrs Lola Edens C.C.
First Baptist Church held regular service March 21, 1937. Minute approved as read. Motion carried to set the date of revival on July 11, being Second Sunday and run through Third Sunday. Motion carried to ask Bro A.L. Meador to help in the meeting. Bro Stanly agreed to write him and let the church know his reply. Bro J.W. Harper preached on Sunday night and a collection of $20.47 was given for State missions. Conference adjourned in order.
Bro CB Stanly Mod. Mrs Lola Edens C.C.