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First Baptist Church of Beckville, 1925
Minutes 161
The First Baptist Church met in regular service and conference Sat. night May 16, 1942. Minute of previous meeting was approved as read. A motion was made to invite Bro CB Stanly and his Orphan Home quartette to visit us on Third Sunday in June. carried
The committee to find an available singer for the revival reported that no one had been secured. No other business, conference adjourned.
Bro R.P. Campbell Mod Mrs Lola Edens C.C.
First Baptist Church met in regular service and conference Sat night June 20, 1942. Minute approved as read.
The committee to get a singer for the revival gave report that Bro Hollace Combs of Mt Pleasant was available.
Motino made and carried that the Church invite Bro Combs.
Mrs. Mary Sparks resigned as teacher of senior SS Class. Motion carried that her resignation be accepted. The election of a teacher was defered.
Motion made and carried that we have no service on Sunday night on account of the M.E. meeting.
No other business conference adjourned.
Bro R.P. Campbell Mod. Mrs Lola Edens C.C.
Bro Stanly preached on Sunday. An offering was given to the D.H.
Minutes 167
On Sat. night Feb. 20, 1943, church met for service and conference.
Minute was approved as read.
Letters of dismission were granted to Mr. and Mrs J.H. Rousseau, by motion and second.
The woman's Auxiliary stated that an insurance policy on the church building had been written up and a payment of $8.21 had been paid on it by them, they requested the church to please approve this move, and also help with payments. Motion made and carried that the church approve and also pay the remainder of the year's premium. Conference adjourned in order
Bro R.P. Campbell Mod. Mrs. Lola Edens C.C.
Our Pastor was sick on the regular meeting day in March no service or conference.
On 1st Sunday in April a motion was made and carried that church extend an invitation to Bro Ferguson of Jacksonville to preach here either the 3rd Sunday in April or 1st in May. (He came 1st Sunday in May.)
Minutes 168
First Baptist Church met in regular service and conference Sat. night before the Third Sunday in April. Minute read and approved. Mr and Mrs J.B. Reeves called for letters of dismission, they were granted by motion and second.
The attention of the church was called to the need of the roof in the Senior S.S. room being repaired. Motion carried that something be done about it, the deacons in charge. Motion carried that the church accept the Service Flag purchased by the Woman's Auxiliary in rememberance of the boys who are members of this church and now in service of U.S.A. Quarterly reports were given by the church treasurer and Sec. of Auxiliary.
Motion made and carried that our revival meeting begin Third Sunday in July Motion carried to invite Bro Groom of Carthage to help. It was reported that Bro Groom would be in a meeting at that time. A motion was then made and carried to change to First Sunday and invite him.
Mrs. Boulware was approved as teacher for the Senior class in S.S.
No other business conference adjourned
Bro R.P. Campbell Mod Mrs. Lola Edens C.C.
Minutes 169
A special service was held Third Sunday in April, dedicating the Service Flag to our boys in service who are members of this church. Names as follows: Captain Lawrence Larry Edens, S/Sgt Earl Crawford, Cpl. Hugh R. Barber, — Joe Earl Cherry, — Howard Whitaker — Sidney Argus Sharp, Pvt Clifford Bell and Pvt Clyde Bell.
Regular service and conference was held by First Baptist Church Sat. night May 15, 1943. The clerk being absent no minute was read.
Mrs. Boulware recommended to the church that we buy a chair (or chairs) for the pulpit. Motion was made and carried that the chair be bought. The Woman's Auxiliary was appointed to act as a committee to see about the purchase. Motion made and carried that we dispense with our service on Sunday night on account of the Methodist revival. It was announced that church observe the Lord's Supper at the Sunday's service.
Bro. E. L. James was present and called on to make any remarks he cared to make.
No other business conference adjourned.
Bro R.P. Campbell Mod. Mrs. Mary Sparks C. pro tem
Minutes 170
First Baptist Church met in regular service and conference Sat. night June 19, 1943. Minutes of April and May were read and approved. Report was given on the roof of the S.S. room, also on pulpit chairs - neither complete. Letters of dismission were asked for Mr and Mrs J.J. Turlington, also J.B. Graham. They were granted by motion and second. Motion made and carried that Church invite Bro Groom to begin the revival on Friday night before 1st Sunday in July. No other business, conference adjourned.
Bro R.P. Campbell Mod Mrs. Lola Edens C.C.
The revival meeting started as scheduled. Closed the following Sunday, July 11, 1943 The following came for membership by experience and baptism: Frances Sharp, Margie Smith, Rudine Armstrong, Frances Armstrong, Elizabeth Sharp, Annie Lou Langly and Mrs. Tom Pitman. Motions made and carried that they be received into Christian, and after baptism into full fellaship of the church. Mrs Chester Crawford asked the church to grant her baptism as she had been dissatisfied with her baptism for years. Mrs. Margie Key Randoll joined on promise of letter, bothes request were granted by motion and second. Letters of dismission were granted to Mrs. Lizzie Brewington, Mrs Tom Singletary and Mrs. Gussie Bell, July 11, 1943. Candidates were baptized Sunday, July 11, 1943.
Minutes 171
No business meeting held in August. Bro. R.P. Campbell sent in his resignation Sept. 2, 1943.
On Sept. 5, 1943, after Sunday School Church assembled in conference. Motion made and carried that Bro L.R. Sharp act as Moderator. The resignation of our pastor, Bro Campbell, was read. Motion made and second that it be accepted, it carried. Motion made and second that a committee consisting of two members be elected to serve with the Church Clerk in contacting some one available to serve our church as pastor. Motion carried. Bro R.T. Jordan and Sister Boulware were elected. Motion carried that conference adjourn.
L.R. Sharp Mod Mrs. Mary Sparks C. pro tem.
Church met in conference at the regular time Sat. night Sept. 18, 1943. No Pastor at this time, Bro R.T. Jordan acted as Moderator. Minutes of preceding meetings read and ap. Motion carried that church elect messengers to the Association which convenes with Smyrna church. Bros. Robt Morris, R.T. Jordan and C.C. Crawford were elected. Alternates, Sisters Morris, Crawford and Boulware. Motion carried that $3.00 be sent for minutes. The Associational letter was adopted. Motion carried that the church invite Asso.
Minutes 172
to meet with us next year. Motion carried that a committee be appointed to contact members as to donating the price of squares of roofing to reroof the main auditorium of the Church. Committee: Mrs Robt Morris, Mrs. C.C. Crawford, Mrs Edens, Mrs. Boulware and Mrs Sparks. Officers of Church and Sunday School were elected as follows: Motion carried that Church Clerk and church Treasurer remain same. S. S. Supt. — H. G. Sparks Assist. " — C.C. Crawford Gen. Sec. — Sarah Boulware Teacher of Men's class — R.T. Jordan. Motion made and seconded that all other teachers be elected to their same places, motion carried. Motion carried that Sarah Boulware be relected pianist. No other business, motion carried to adjourn.
R.T. Jordan Mod. Mrs Lola Edens C.C.
Church met in service and conference on Sat. night Oct. 17, 1943. Bro Loy J. Ferguson, of Jacksonville, having been invited to be with us, was present and preached. After the sermon conference was opened with Bro L.R. Sharp as Mod. Minute of preceding meeting was read and approved. The roof committee gave report.
Minutes 173
Motion carried that the committee be given authority to buy the roof material and put it on the ground. Motion carried that Church go into the election of a Pastor. Motion carried that the vote be taken by ballot. Bro Loy J. Ferguson was unanimously elected as pastor for coming year. He being present, accepted the work. Motion made and carried that church pay $45.00 per month for one half time. A letter of dismission was granted to Mrs J.E. Etheridge by motion and Second. The following messengers were elected to the State meeting which convenes at Ermis. Mrs C.C. Crawford and Mrs. A.H. Boulware. Motion carried that should they not go, any member who should go be authorized to act as messengers. No other business, conference adjourned in order.
Bro L.R. Sharp Mod Mrs Lola Edens C.C.
On Sunday after 11 o'clock sermon, Mrs Ralph Broome and son, Jimmie Lee Sturrock became members of this church on promise of letters, by motion & sec.
On Sat. night Nov. 18, 1943, after preaching service conference opened for business of church. Minute read and approved. Bro Ferguson gave a report of the State meeting. The committee gave report that the roof material was on the ground but the carpenter was not ready yet.
Minutes 174
Motion was made and seconded that Church express appreciation to the boys who are members and away in service who send donations occasionally to help in church work - carried. Motion to close conference carried.
Bro L.J. Ferguson Mod Mrs. Lola Edens C.C.
Bro. Stanly preached on Sun. night. He had three girls from D.H. wth him.
Church met in service and conference on Sat. night Dec. 18, 1943. Minute read and approved. No business to come before the church, conference adjourned in order.
Bro Ferguson Mod Mrs Lola Edens C.C.
First Baptist Church of Beckville, 1944
Articles of Faith
Articles of Faith
I. We believe that the Holy Bible, written by men divinely inspired, and full of unmixed truth, is a perfect rule of faith and practice.
II. We believe in one God-Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
III. We believe that man, once holy, fell by voluntary transgression from that happy state, and is now utterly devoid of holiness.
IV. We believe that sinners are saved by grace alone.
V. We believe that men are justified by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
VI. We believe that salvation is free to all who will accept the Gospel.
VII. We believe that, except as a man be renewed by the Holy Spirit, he is not qualified or prepared for the kingdom of Christ on earth, or to enjoy his glory hereafter.
VIII. We believe that repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ are the duties of every one who hears the Gospel.
IX. We believe that election is the eternal purpose of God, by which he graciously regenerates, sanctifies and saves sinners.
X. We believe that sanctification, begun in regeneration, and ever progressive, is the process by which we are made to partake of God´s holiness.
XI. We believe in the preservation of the saints: that they are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation.
XII. We believe that God´s law is the only, the eternal and unchangeable, rule of His Church and moral government.
XIII. We believe that a Church of Christ is a congregation of baptized believers, united in the faith and fellowship of the Gospel, observing the ordinances and obeying the faith of Christ, and that its officers are pastors and deacons.
XIV. We believe that Christian baptism is the immersion of believer, in water, by a properly qualified administrator, into the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
XV. We believe that only such as have been properly baptized and received into the fellowhisp of a regularly organized Baptist Church should partake of the Lord´s Supper.
XVI. We believe that the Lord´s day or Christian Sabbath should be devoutly observed and sacredly devoted to religious services.
XVII. We believe that civil governement is of divine, appointment, and that the governors of states and nations should be obeyed, when the lawas they seek to enforce are not in conflict with the Gospel.
XVIII. We believe in the future resurrection of the dead.
XIX. We believe in the final judgment, and that, in that day, the righterous and wicked will be separated forever.
XX. We believe that the righteous will be made happy forever in heaven, and the wicked miserable forever in hell.