Pages That Need Review
First Baptist Church of Beckville, 1944
Church Covenant
Church Covenant
Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, and on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, we do now in the presence of God, angels, and this assembly most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another, as one body in Christ.
We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to walk together in Christian love; to strive for the advancement of this Church in knowledge, holiness, and comfort; to promote its prosperity and spirituality; to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline and doctrines; to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the Church and the relief of the poor, and the spread of the Gospel through all nations.
We also engage to maintain family and secret devotions; to religiously educate our children; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances; to walk circumspectly in the world; to be just in our dealings, faithful in our engagements, and exemplary in our deportment; to avoid all tattling, backbiting and excessive anger; to abstain from the sale and use of intoxicating drinks as a beverage, and to be zealous in our efforts to advance the kingdom of our Saviour.
We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love; to remember each other in prayer; to aid each other in sickness and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling and courtesy of speech; to be slow to take offense, but always ready for reconciliation, and mindful of the rules of our Saviour to secure it without delay.
We moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church, where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant; and the principles of God's word.
This is the Church Covenant taken from Pendleton´s "Church Manual"
Rules of Order
I. The pastor, or in his absence any member appointed, shall act as Moderator of all business meetings of the church.
II. It shall be the duty of the Moderator to keep order; and in case the Church is equally divided on any question, he shall give the casting vote.
III. The meeting shall be opened and closed with prayer.
IV. The order of the business shall be:
1. Reading of minutes of previous meeting. 2. The reception of members by experience or letter. 3. Granting letters of dismission. 4. Reports of committee. 5. Unfinished business. 6. New or miscellaneous business.
V. A motion before the church must be disposed of before another motion can be entertained, unless the motion be to amend, postpone, adjourn, or call for the previous question.
VI. The Moderator may speak on any question by calling on any brother to preside in his place. VII. Every member who speaks shall rise and first address the Moderator.
VIII. The church in conference shall entertain no proposition for discussion which has not been presented on motion of one member and seconded by another.
IX. On any point of order a member may appeal from the Moderator to the Church, whose decision shall be final.
X. All questions, except that on reception of members, shall be decided by the vote of a majority.
Cover Page
Miss Bobbie Fortes Deberry Texas
CHURCH ROLL Alphabetically Arranged AND RECORD BOOK
THE JUDSON PRESS Philadelphia Los Angeles Kansas City Seatle Chicago Order from the Nearest House
Members B
List of Members of First Baptist Church
[[4 Columned Table]]
Names | How and When Received | How and When Dismissed | REMARKS |
Brevard Wendel | B - 6 - 12 - 1949 | L. July - 29 - 1953 | |
Brevard Bobby | B - 6 - 12 - 1949 | L. Aug - 5 - 1953 | |
Brown Mrs Jack | recd- L - 4 - 4 - 1949 | L - 5 - 18 - 1949 | |
Beason, Miss Margaret | B - 6 - 12 - 1949 | ||
Beason, Mrs. Nettie | B - 6 - 12 - 1949 | ||
Bockmon Bill | L. rec. L 9 - 4 - 1949 | L Sept 20 - 50 | |
Bockman Aammell | L. rec L. 9 - 4 - 1949 | L Sept 20 - 50 | |
Baker Ruby Lee | B. 3 - 2 - 1951 | ||
[struck] Mrs Horace Baker | B. 1951 | ||
Mrs. C. E. Bridges | L. Aug - 2 - 1953 | ||
Mr. C. E. Bridges | L. Aug - 2 - 1953 | ||
Charles Bridges | L. Aug - 2 - 1953 | ||
Linda Bridges | L. Aug - 2 - 1953 | ||
Beason Jim | B. Aug - 23 - 1953 | ||
Britton Ann | L. Apr. - 4 - 1954 |
Minutes 029
Church met in regular service and conference on Sat. night Jan. 15, 1944. Owing to absence of Clerk no minute was read. Motion made and carried that church pay the Insurance in full to 1948, this would be about $89.00. Motion made and carried that the roof on the S.S. room be repaired. No other business.
Bro. L. J. Ferguson Mod Mrs Mary Sparks C. pro tem Minute was read and approved on Sunday.
Regular service and conference held on Sat. night Feb, 19, 1944. Minute read and adopted. Report was made that the S.S. room had been repaired. No business to come before the church, conference adjourned.
Bro. L. J. Ferguson Mod Mrs Lola Edins C. C.
Church met in service and conference Sat. night March 17, 1944. Minute of the preceding meeting read and approved. Motion carried to buy a new record book, which had been asked for. No business to come before the church conference adjourned.
Bro. L. J. Ferguson Mod Mrs L. Edins C.C.
Minutes 030
Church met in regular business session April 15, 1944. Minute of previous meeting was not read. Motion made and carried that the revival meeting start Friday night before the first Sunday in July (June 30). Motion made and carried that our Pastor do the preaching. Motion made and carried that a committee composed of Bro Fergusonn Horace Sparks and Mrs Edins secure a singer for the meeting. Motion made and carried that the church pay $5.00 as a special donation to Bro E. L. James, that together with the personal donations amounted to $17.50 It as announced that Bro Mc Cain, State Cor. Sec. Would preach Sunday night and be given a free will offering. Motion made and carried that we give an extra $5.00 on our monthly offering to Orphan Home. Moved and carried that the church adopt the S. S.'s decision in [I] sending Mrs Carrie Bill Herrell a letter of thanks for her $50.00 offering to the church
Bro L. J. Ferguson Mod Mary Sparks C. Protem.
Minute read on Sunday and approved
Minutes 031
First Baptist Church met in regular service and conference Sat night May 20, 1944. Minute of previous metting approved as read.
Bro Ferguson stated that Bro Thomas of Jacksonville would sing for the revival.
Mrs Nina Wade called for a letter of dismission, it was granted by motion and second
The Lord's Supper was observed on Sunday morning after 11 0'clock sermon.
Bro L J Ferguson Mod Mrs Lola Edins C.C.
Church met in regular service and conference Sat. night June 18, 1944. Minuter of preceeding meeting approved as read.
BroFerguson had some notices printed about the revival meeting Church voted to pay for them from the treasury. Motion carried to release Bro Ferguson of the Sunday nights service.
No other business conferenc adjd.
Bro L. J. Ferguson Mod. Mrs Lola Edens C.C.
Minutes 032
[Church met in regular service and conference Sat. night June 18, 1944 Minute of the preceding meeting approved as read. Bro Ferguson had some notices printed of the revival meeting The church voted to pay for the printing from the treasury.
Motion Carried that church release Bro Ferguson from service on Sunday night No other business conference adjourned.
Bro L J Ferguson Mod Mrs Lola Edins C. C.]
Minutes 033
First Baptist church met in regular service and conference Sat. night Aug 19, 1944. Minute approved as read.
Bro Ferguson made an explanation in regard to giving up his work here. Circumstances were such that he could not serve another year or quite finish this year. Motion made and carried that church invite a visiting preacher to be with us Third Sun. in Sept. Bro. Stucky and Bro. Griffith were mentioned to be invited. Motion made and carried that Bro Stucky be invited for Third Sunday and Bro Griffith for Second Sunday night
Three letters of dismission were called for Mrs John Langly Mrs Bertie Goode and Mrs Tom Pitman All letters were granted by motion and Second. Not other business conference adhourned.
Bro L. J. Ferguson Mod. Mrs. Lola Edins C.C.
Clerk wrote invitations to Bro Stucky who could not come, and Bro Griffith who came. On First Sunday night in Sept. Bro Ferguson tendered his resignation, Church accepted. Motion made and carried to appoint the following committee to secure a preacher for 3rd Sunmday and night - H.G. Sparks, Mrs Edens, R.T. Jordan. Bro Finley was invited - he came, $22.50 was given to State missions/
Minutes 034
Church met in conference Sat. night Sept. 16, 1944. Since we had no Pastor Bro R.T. Jordan was elected to act as Moderator. Minute was read and adopted. Motion carried that church enter into the business of electing Church and S.S. officers and teachers. The following were elected.
Church Clerk - Mrs Lola Edens Church Treasurer - H. G. Sparks S. S. Supt. - H. G. Sparks Asst. " - C. C. Crawford Gen. Sec. Miss Frances Sharp Pianist Miss Margie Smith Motion and Second that all teachers be retained in s.S. Motion carried. The messingers were elected to Associations which meet at Gary. R. T. Jordan, Mr & Mrs. A. J. Barton. Motion carried that any other members attending act as alternates
Motion carried that Church invite the Asso. to meet with us next year. Motion carried to give three dollars for minutes of Asso. Thje Asso. letter was read and adopted.
Motion carried that church approve the officers of the Woman's Auxciliary, also of the B.Y.S.U No other business conference adjourned.
Bro. R. T. Jordan Mod Mrs. Lola Edins C. C.
Minutes 036
First Baptist Church met in service and conference Nov. 10, 1044. Minute read and approved. Bro. Hodges accepted the care of church No business to come before the church conference adjourned.
Bro W. H. Hodges Mod. Mrs Lola Edins C.C.
On 1st Sunday in Dec. a letter of dismission was granted to Mrs Margie Dodson, Marshall. Tex.
Church met in conference on Sat. night Dec 17 1944. Minute adopted as read. Motion made and carried to raise our Pastor's salary $5.00 a month and start the raise with the beginning of the Associational year. Motion carried to elect a leader for B.T.C., since the present leader is leaving. Mrs Robt Morris was elected. Motion carried that our incidental offering go to the Orphans Home as a Christmas offering. No other business conference adjourned
Bro W. H. Hodges Mod Mrs Lola Edins C.C.