Letter from Edwin S, Buck to his sister, Jane

Written from Chappell Hill, Texas, by Edwin S. Buck, to his sister, Jane, in Pontiac, Michigan; mentions several family members and local residents.


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Chappell Hill Feb. 4th 1800

Dear Sister Jane. I have no good excuse to offer to you for my long negligence in writing to you none than for the last year I have been very much pressed with business indeed I have had not time for writing to any of my friends or relatives. I can only promise that in future to make amends for my past negligence I will be more communicative and I am sure you will hear from me more frequently than you have in times past. It is so long scince you have seen me that I know you are anxious to know something about what I have been doing. well dear sister I will tell you. To commence with I suppose I look very much as I did when you saw me last more than six years ago. Only that six years has made me look a little older and the care of six years buffeting with the world may have changed my countance from the wild boy which I used to be to the thoughtful expression of a man

When I returned to Texas it was my intention to go back again to California but mother and sisters Mary and Emeline being here they induced me to remain in this country. I liked the climate and etc. here very much and concluded to settle here. I am merchandising in this village. Sister Mary lives 12 miles from here on a plantation and Emeline whom you knew had married again lives here and mother lives with her. I am bourding with her. I am building a house near here and shall live in it as soon as it is finished. I was married on the 20th of December last to one of best and most amiable girls I ever saw and I only wish you could see how happy we are together. we are boarding with sister Emeline but shall

Last edit over 1 year ago by KSuarez103
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commence housekeeping for ourselves in April next. Mother will divide her time between sisters house and ours and will make the decline of her life pass as pleasantly and comfortably as possible. I see sister mary every few days. she is quite well except her eyes which have been very sore nearly all of the past summer. her husband and two of the children have also had very sore eyes. Williams eyes I do not think will ever get entirely well again. Their children are all well. her oldest daughter is almost grown and their oldest son (william) is quite a large boy. They have a good school near them and they have every advantage that they could have in your country to get good educations. We have good schools, churches and excellent society here and there is not so much difference between this country and yours as you might so much imagine It is warm pleasent weather here now and I suppose in your country there is deep snow on the ground. Our farmers are planting corn and every body is [marling?] garden which I realy think is pleasenter than to be freezing in a cold country, but then you have one pleasure which we have not. you can enjoy yourselves sleighriding. I was in New York City last summer but was on verry urgent business buying goods and was delayed in New York so long that I could not get to Michigan. My Partner, Mr [Sleage?] is going next summer but I promise you the very next time I go to come and see you all ?? us sending our love to you and James and all of your friends and our acqaitences in Pontiac. My wife Mary is leaning on my shoulder and sais my love to Sister Jane. I will write again soon Your Affectonate Brother Edwin S Buck

Last edit over 1 year ago by KSuarez103
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