December 25, 1833 - January 5, 1834
25th Dec 1833 was fair 26 Do Do Do Do 27 Do Do Do Do 28 Do Do Do Do 29 Dec Sunday cloudy in the evening It is Said by some that the first 12 days after Christmas governs the 12 mos following each day for a Mo
30 Monday it hailed some in the night &Monday morning very soon it was Raining all day cloudy & drisling of Rain
31st Tuesday still cloudy & warm Broke off clear in the Evening at night part of it was cloudy & the other part fair
1834 Janry 1st Wednesday tolerably fair about sun rise - very cloudy day & like for rain & in the night it commenced raining
Jan 2nd Thursday morning rain & continued till about 9 oclock then stoped & cloudy the balance of the day
3rd Friday Turned cold about day or sometime before day wind from S W & very cold all day — little cloudy in the Evening
4th Saturday cloudy & very cold & began to snow about 8 oclock in the night
5th Sunday very cold & Saturday night & snowed all night stoped in the morning & very cold all day & the 6th very cold yet & snow has not melted any
March 15, 1834 - May 15, 1834; Nov. 14, 1837
1834 March Saturday 15th I Jeremiah W Grave Gave in my Experience Before the church of Christat Strait Stone meeting House & on Sunday the 16th Baptised, by Rev Jno W Kelly my wife Joined the same church by letter from Elk Creek Church in Louisa cty Some time before ———— The Rev John Billingsly - about the time she was was 17 or 18 years old.
1834 weather in aprl generally dry till about the 1st May - on the 5th may it rained smartly,- & in the Evening about 3 or 4 oclock it rained a very hard shower & hailed for about Ten minutes. 3 minutes of said, it hailed quite hard ground very nearly covered, the hail was generally small tho a great many was as Large as a Patridge Egg & some Larger
May 14th 1834 pretty smart frost this mor= =ning bit down all vegetables very much smartly snaps etc. — May 15 Thursday this morning smart frost not so severe as yesterday morning & to night appears to be rather colder than the 2 preceding nights,- it has been cold & windy ever since the Hail
but continues quite cool — Corn and some the bushes is but very much coolest may so far that I ever recollect to have seen
Novr 14th 1837 Sky Red & streaked from W to NW & NE great sight to me
March 1841; April 1837
a memorandum of articles which I have at M Grasty viz — 3 Chairs, 1 Cross cut saw, 1½ Bushel & 1 Jar (or stone pitcher) 1 Boot Jack, 1 Black Bottle -
Capt John Hunt Taken sick on the night of the 24th & 25 March 1841. he went to DeJarnetts sale & was there sick tho about went home that night say 25 March 1841 Taken a great deal worse & so continued till the 26th at night & Died & on Sunday 28th about 12 oclock Buried. -------------------------------------------------Eye natures walk shoot folly as it flies and ketch the manners living as they Rise,-
From the sublime to the ridiculous there is but one step —
Philip L Grastys Esquire Departed this Life at his mothers in Orange County Virginia On Tuesday the 21th day of November 1827 — Mrs Jane W Grasty Departed this Life on the 6th day of April 1837 10 years & from Novr to April after her Husband PL Grasty Died.
Accounting 1851, 1853-1855
Smith Cr
By amt Brot ford 341.88
1851 June 14th By Cash Recd of Francis Blanks by hands of Mrs. Hunt prRecd on order 15.00 356.88 1853 Nov 30 By Cash Recd of Walter Evans in pt of his Bond Due You $5.00 $5.00
1854 June 17 By Cash Recd of F Blanks in pt of his Bond pRecd 20.00 20.00
Augt 18 By Cash Recd of F Blanks as pr Rect $40.00 40.00
Dec 16? By Cash Recd of Francis Blanks in full of his Bond & Int Bond Recd $26.18 26.18
1855 Aprl 12 By Cash Recd of Miller Evans for his Bond Int $4.48 4.48
Card to New Book 16th June $95.66 1856
Untitled Page 5
Memorandum of business done by me for Col Wm T Smith Brot forward — $ 0 - 00 1843 Decr 30th To 5 pr. Cent Comr on $16.50 paid you by 1844 Jas. Shields say 3300 lb Oats @ 3/- - Feby To Commr on $80.24 collected & paid you from Jas. H Mitchell pRect