March 1841; April 1837




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a memorandum of articles which I have
at M Grasty viz —
3 Chairs, 1 Cross cut saw, 1½ Bushel
& 1 Jar (or stone pitcher) 1 Boot Jack,
1 Black Bottle -

Capt John Hunt Taken sick on the
night of the 24th & 25 March 1841. he went
to DeJarnetts sale & was there sick
tho about went home that night say 25
March 1841 Taken a great deal worse &
so continued till the 26th at night & Died &
on Sunday 28th about 12 oclock Buried.
Eye natures walk
shoot folly as it flies
and ketch the manners
living as they Rise,-

From the sublime to the ridiculous
there is but one step —

Philip L Grastys Esquire Departed
this Life
at his mothers in Orange
Virginia On Tuesday the
21th day of November 1827 —
Mrs Jane W Grasty Departed this Life
on the 6th day of April 1837 10 years
& from Novr to April after her Husband
PL Grasty

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John Hunt (b. 1745) is JWG's father-in-law. He is buried in the Hunt Cemetery, Renan, VA.