Diary of Jeremiah White Graves, Volume 1, Part 5



August 31, 1853 - September 2, 1853
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August 31, 1853 - September 2, 1853

1853 Augt 31st I have 3 Logs 9 feet long Yates saw mill for studs & 1 Do for sheeting carryed another 21 feet for Rafters for Barn & Carried another to pay for one he sawed for me for Post, which leaves 5 in all I have to dry at mill

Sept 2 Halled 1 Long Log Hart for for weatherboarding Mr Yates 1 Short Do 3 Halled five Do for myself to be divided 9 I have Brot from Saw Mill 20 ps scantling 9 feet long

Last edit about 4 years ago by fransalman
227 [undated math problem]
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227 [undated math problem]

A man dying leaving 3 sons & his estate is worth $100. to the 1st he leaves ½ of his estate the thirdsecond he leaves ⅓, & to the third ¼th of his estate now I require each mans proportion of the Estate


Last edit over 4 years ago by Ben W. Brumfield
Undated list of adages: A-C
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Undated list of adages: A-C

Art is gained by great labour and Industry Take great Care and you’ll write a fair, A covetous man is always, as he fancies, in want, Add to our faith virtue, and to virtue Knowledge A comely Countenance is a silent commendation, A place of ill example may endanger a good man A prudent man values contentment more than riches A fair piece of writing is a speaking picture All Gods Commandments are divinely pure A mans manners commonly form his Fortune A great liar is seldom believed though he speaks the truth A virtuous minded youth, will ever love the truth A prudent youth & wise, will not advice despise All idle lazy boys, obstruct their parents Joys, A man by conduct may, keep misery away, A Girl who would excel, must mind her copy well Bounty is commendable in some, but it ruins others By delight & some Care, we come to write fair By diligence and Industry we come to prefirment Beauty without virtue is but a painted sepulchre Be wise & beware, of blotting take care By Idleness & play Youth squanders time away Be wise betimes; shun darling crimes Consider the shortness of DeathLife& certainly of Death Competency with content is a great Happiness Contentment makes a happy without fortune Censure no Man, nor detract from any man Contention and strife make uneasy our life

Last edit over 4 years ago by fransalman
Undated list of adages: D-F
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Undated list of adages: D-F

Deride not infirmities, nor triumph over Injuries Delight in virtue’s Ways & then you’ll merit praise Death conquers potent Princes, & their Powers Delight in what you undertake to Learn Duty, Fear, & Love, we owe to God above Drinking is the drowning of cares not the cure of them Death destroys, not the soul but an ill life does Do to Others as you would that they unto you should Death is less Fear’d by a fool than a philosopher

Every Plant & Flower, shows to us Gods Power Example oft doth Rule the wise man & the fool Envious Men do fret, when they see other get Evil Company makes the good bad & the bad worse Experience is the best looking Glass of Wisdom Even at the head & feet, be sure your letters Keep Envy & care, make the body grow spare Fair words are often used to hide foul Deeds Fair faces have sometimes foul Conditions Few do good with what have gotten ill Future events must be left to providence Fear is a good Watchman but a bad defender Fraud in childhood will become Knavery in manhood Fortune is Kind at some Hours to all Feign’d looks oft hide what the false Heart dothe Know Fortune & Fame Create a good name Friends in adversity are not often found Fools & knaves are not companions for honest men Frugality & Industry are the hands of fortune

Last edit over 4 years ago by fransalman
Undated list of adages: G-I; Feb 3, 1847; July 13, 1842
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Undated list of adages: G-I; Feb 3, 1847; July 13, 1842

Godliness with Contentment is great Gain Good manners in a Lad, will make his parents Glad Great minds & small means ruin many men Good Humour hath never failing graces Gods works only are perfect in their Kind Grief nourished in your breast will never let you rest Greater profit doth always come of lear[n]ing than of play Good men are safe when wicked ones are at odds Get what you can Honestly & use it frugally God is omnipotent, True and almighty

Hasty resolutions are seldom fortunate Haste makes waste of paper Ink & time He that stumbles & falls not minds his pace Hypocrites first cheats the world & at last themselves Human life will human frailties have Honor that is true, is lawful to pursuepursue He who sends a fool of an errand ought to follow him Honors have are burdens and riches have wings He who fears not an oath will not tremble at a lie Hours fly swiftly away, improve each moment of the day In praising most sparing be & blame most sparingly = 1847 Feby 3 Rained very hard & the wind Blew tremendous 1 of Doct Johns negro woman Killed in a Tobacco House which blew over killed one & crippled 2

13th July 1842 the hardest days Rain & wind I believe I ever saw I am sick with with my jaw,- desperate oat harvest finishing lay by corn about the 10th this year

Last edit over 3 years ago by fransalman
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