July 30 - August 14, 1846
1846 July 30 Rained quite hard last night beeting apples - 30 Succoring Tobacco & worming began to Hill up lots for the last time Sewed Turnip Patch & also in lot by Tobacco House
31st Getting up apples this day –
August 1st Plowing & finishing hilling up Lot by prize Barn & Beeting apples this
2nd Sunday & cloudy but no rain
3rd cloudy this morning Toping worming & Succoring Tobacco this morning Sent Henry Clay to Mrs Hunt to go Lynchg alse Drying apples this morning —
4th Getting up apples to Beet to day Fair & beautiful weather
5 Working Tobacco Lots by & above Granary
6 Beeting apples & finishing lots
7 Plowing & Hilling up Branch Tobacco
8 Went after Mr JD & CA Hunts Still & working as Friday & done on Branch yet
9th Weather dry & Hot corn begins to suffer a little for Rain —
10 Finishing hilling up Tobacco on branch Henry gone back to Mr Hunts after still worm & tub etc little shower of rain at Mrs Hunts yesterday a little here last night after we got home weather dry & very warm, began to dry peaches this morning
11 Worming & succoring tobacco
12 Stilling most of this week
13 Went to see Capt Coleman & he Died about 9 or 10 Oclock in morning
14 he was Buried this day our hands at work On Road Malissas child a Girl Born on the 12 Inst Inst at night—
August 15 - September 5, 1846
15th Working on Our Road this morning Digging Irish potatoes & beeting Peaches working oat garden & drying fruit about this time 16th Meeting at S. S. M
17 Went to Court & stayed till Tuesday night the Suit of Moon agst me taken out of Court & referred[?]each man paying his Own Cost. Worming & succoring Tobacco
19 began to still again
20 Still treding out wheat & finished& Digging Irish Potatoes & Drying fruit etc etc etc
21st treading wheat & stilling & Drying fruit
22nd Finished treading wheat & stilling
23 Sunday Rained this evening 2 good showers
24th Sewed turnip Patch Over, & also in garden toping & succoring & worming Tobacco
25. Raining this morning & all night making Baskets, shoeing making for C.S. & spining etc etc Wind cool & from N.W.
26 Succoring Tobacco & Sent to mill in the evening began to Pull fodder in big field
27th Pulling fodder in big field yesterday lent Mr. Crews Lady Jane to go to Mill
28. Beating cider etc etc
29. worming new ground Tobacco & Tying up fodder
30. Sunday - weather seasonable this week cloudy nearly every& rainingday
31. Pulling fodder & finished big field.
Sept 1st Pulling fodder & succoring Tobacco
- 2. Phil gone to mill 2 Bags & carried one stack to be sawed into squared edged Plank
3 about Fodder & succoring & wormingtobacco
4 Saving Fodder & in Tobacco
5th Still the same & not done pulling yet, put savining about 8 stacks.
September 7 - 21, 1846
1846 Sept 7th Weather has been quite wet the past week but now fair & warm We have 2 stacks fodder ready to stack & on days pulled more & have not cut any tops yet
8 Finished pulling fodder & have got 8 stacks of fodder stack & 2 in House & 2 more to stack
9 Cutting tops this day & worming & succoring Tobacco — Doct Miller has been 2 times to see Phil & furnished some medicine came this morning when I did not look for him — Malissa also sick
10 Cutting tops all day & tying them up - in Big field
11th become uneasy & sent for Doct Miller again for Phil he is quite sick
12th Stayed all night & put a Blister on him.
13. Doct Miller has been 4 or 5 times to see Phil & he is quite low
14 Cutting tops & finished succoring
15 Succoring Tobacco - 16 succoring Tobacco & have not cut any Tobacco yet Phil very low — wrote to Fanny W by Bro Hubbard sent her 50¢
16 Phil Died Just before day 17th & buried in evening, weather changeable
17. Succoring Tobacco 18th, weather cool
19. began to Cut Tobacco yesterday on Branch & will Keep on till one get over. finished on Branch & began in Lot to day. Fed gone to mill new corn
20th Callahan Died this morning
21st Cutting Tobacco & this morning wrote to
September 21 - October 12, 1846
to Fanny White & sent the Bundle & letter to Mr. Grastys to carry to Court to send on to Fanny White as Mr Hubbard failed to go on to Beulah association at Milton this morning Bundle still here Mr. Grasty did not go to Court sent the letter on 26th by mail to Milton
22nd cutting Tobacco at second years ground & new ground to day yesterday cut Granary lot
26 Finished cutting over Once & stacking Tops & got up 2 Loads corn in all Lila taken sick yesterday Evening & this morning 26th her child Born 10 A.M.Oclock
27 Went to Mr McCullock several sick
28 Halling up Tobacco nearly filled prized Barn & new ground barn
29. succoring Tobacco etc Cut Lot by Houseprize
30. firing Tobacco etc
Oct. 1 Put up Hogs to Fatten
Oct. 2 Halling up Corn & finished right side^ PulCornpulling Shucking out corn to day -
4 Sunday fair give alse a Rake of ague & FeverTarter for
5. Cutting Lot Tobacoo by Granary Digging Irish Potatoes & Henry Halling wood & Rails
6 cutting Tobacco on Branch Henry halling rails at stack & Rocks to build chimney
7 Cutting Buck Wheat. Digging Irish Potatoes. Making wine, alse sick Housed about 15 or 20 Bbl corn wrote to Capt Boxley 8 shucking corn etc
9 & 10 Housing Tobacco shucking & Housingcorn
11 Geo. W. Coleman Funeral Preached by Elder J. T. McLaughlin 85 Pslam 8V. weather cool
12 began this evening to Sew wheat big Granary - night it rained all night
October 13 - 30, 1846
13th Rained hard till 12 Oclock & then broke off Cool, we did do much out this day
14 Housing Tobacco & shoemaking
15 gone to Mr. John D Hunts to get apples to put up for winter = ground still full wet to sew wheat — = Picking out cotton
16th Sewing wheat in fresh ground next to orchard - spreading f[l]ax to rot 16 Sewing wheat in fresh ground nextorchard
17. Do Do & spreading out flax cutting down corn stalks next to middlebarn
18. Sunday S.S. meeting clear fine day
19. Finished sewing wheat in Granary lot & Killed Beef. weighed 200 lbs
20 Digging sweet Potatoes large frost & up for seed 1 Bbl in closet & Box & Bbl in stack ——— Top stack
21. Sewing wheat in fresh ground & putting up apples & Irish Potatoes
22nd Finishing fresh groundsewingwheat & Pulling corn & halling wood
23. sewed square opposit[e] to middle BarnMy wife taken sick before day this morning & about 8 Oclock in morning had her second children Doct Sutphin & Mrs. Neal here Girl Pulling & halling corn out of Big field left hand side of Path towards Barns —
24 Halling up corn etc —25th Sunday
26 Halling up corn & finished the big field
27. Shucking & Housing corn — & had at night a Shucking & finished
28 & 29th Finishing HousingCorngot big corn House nearly full & short corn to Fatten Hogs & cutting down & getting up corn stalks to sew wheat —
30 Halling corn stalks & began t[o] Break up ground for wheat