October 26, 1849 - November 14, 1849
1849 Oct. 26 Stoped Jacob from going to Oct school Mr Shelton gone to Court. he has gone nearly 4 months,
From 26 Oct to Novr 1st shoemaking spining, nearly all the time ground very wet
1st Nov began to sew wheat left side of Path by middle Barn cut down & stacked up the corn, Fed shoemaking -
2 Sewing wheat - & same work
3 Same work & gathered corn below House
4th Beautiful weather rather warm my wife gone to Mrs Hunts 1849
5 Sewing wheat & finished next to middle Barn
6. Bushing & finished by middle Barn runing furrows etc fine weather —
7 Harrow in & Plowing balance fresh ground next to Orchard — carried my Leather & Boots to Mrs Nealy fine weather alse cleaning out water furrows in bottom next to middle Barn
8th Raining this morning spitiface the man Hogwhite sow took with some others - cloudy & moderate weather Fed nearly done shoemaking Henry halling wood 3 spining 2 shelling etc etc etc Note quite done sewing wheat
9 Finished sewing wheat sewed 2 Bus.on branch we have sewed 30 Bushels Halling up corn & shoemaking - windy weather
10. Shucking out corn & Housing cleaning up on Ditch in Tobacco Lot where we sewed wheat
11 good day for meeting Halling up corn & Pulling
13. Trod Mr Neals wheat Pulled Halled & shucked corn —
14 Housing corn to day. Henry & Fed working on Road, Jordan gone to mill
November 14, 1849 - November 22, 1849
14th Novr. 1849 Clear fine weather — “ “ “ Sent by Jacob to Bro Yates $1.s worth for of wheat for old Bro Angel. -
15 Gathering corn & Housing at Mr J.D. Hunts went to Sal[e] Bot at alonzas sale 1 Pad Lock 2 Dutch Plows. singleton & 2½ pr Hames for $1.28
16. cloudy & like for falling weather shucking corn & Housing - Mrs M. here
17. Finished Fanning out our wheat one time Halling stalks leaves & wood. cut & Picked up stalks on Branch in evening. cloudy for Snow& like
18 Went to Harmony Grove meeting cloudy a little& Rained
19. Went to Wm Jinnings Sale to get a Horse for Mrs McCullock but faild to get one to suit Halled up 9 Loads of corn to day
20. Shucking & Housing corn cloudy & like for Rain Mr. Adams here in Oct & startedourTucker Clock & it has keep good time ever since
21st Made & Thrashed 176½ Bushels wheat 1849. The tolls of which is a little more than 8 Bushels & 3 Pecks which I Expect the Lord permitting to send to Mr. Pannills to morrow also to carry Twenty Five Bushels to same Place for Mr Lewis — his toll, - I have laid by 17½ & 1 Bushel to Ex at the 1 we got of Mr Neal & have now over 40 a little to sell
22nd Sent to Mr Pannills 8 Bus. & a little over 3 pecks wheat by Henry for toll to Mr Organ for Thrashing our wheat 1849 carried 30 Bushels for Mr Lewis - Halling up corn, nearly have got the Big corn House full - fine weather
November 22, 1849 - December 5, 1849
22nd Beautifull weather for business. nearly done Halling up our corn except Hog Corn next to orchard ——
23 Finished gathering & Housing Corn except about 3 Loads next to Orchard for our Hogs yet on stalks Housed nearly Bbls150
24 began to cut little growth in new ground joinging[adjoining] Mountain field Sent Henry to mill with 1 Log for Hhd Stans[?] 3 Bus. wheat & 1 Bbl Corn —
30 Went to Lynchg this week with 41½ Bushel wheat sold at 90¢. got back in 3 days cutting all the time while we were gone little growth in new ground - quite dry & fine weather this day Halling up corn for Mr. Neal & Mr Myers came this morning to work on new House on cutting in new ground — —
Dec. 1st Covered cutting House Mr Myers & me Sent Jacob & Jordan to mill 1 of them for Mr Myers, for a days work Henry Halling corn stalks up & Lila — Balance cutting little growth & grubing in groundnew Rained a little in evening —
2nd Raining snowing & Hailing all day very disagreeable day indeed Give our Poeple out their winter shoes And, Malissa Henry alse Jane Ann & Jordan & Fed had Blankets
3. Striping Tobacco in middle Barn 36 33 sticks short 73 sticks Lugs. Fed Made Sally Shoes Lila spining, cleared off to day
4 - cutting little growth in new ground Henry cutting slab Timber for stable
5. Mr Myers getting Boards for Hester Anns stable Henry helping him
December 5, 1849 - December 14, 1849
1849 Dec. 5th. Pulling away our Greens Halling wood etc etc etc etc — Drawed out of Barrel 7¼ Gallons Whiskey - Sent & given to Mrs Crews nearly 2 Gallons sa[lost in margin] Given Mr Myers 1 lb Tobacco -
Dec 6th Cutting Small growth in new ground went to Mr. Pannills for Mrs Hunt
Dec 7th. Sent Henry to mill 1 Bbl corn 1 Large Log for weather boarding & Bag cotton weighing 47 lb cutting logs to Day for Stable — etc etc etc
8 Raking leaves fixing straw Racks cutting in new ground put spts Turpentine on Hogs
9th rainy day & cool ——
10 - Halling wood ½ day for Mr Neal cutting in newground cloudy & cool Tobacco ½ daystriping
12. cutting Halling up logs for Stable
12. Malissa child a Boy Born about 8 ocl =ock in morning Raised Stable to day & laid floor in cutting House very cold cloudy & like for snow or Rain
13. Fed started to Mrs Hunts to make shoes grubing & Halling wood from new ground cart & waggon — still cloudy & like for snow
14 striping Tobacco in middle Barn Halled out 2 Loads straw. cloudy & like for Rain —cloudy & moderate striped yesterday & to day 86 sticks Lugs & 45 of short Tobacco —
December 15, 1849 - January 3, 1850
1849 Dec. 15th Halled up 1 stack of Blade fodder this day cloudy yet
Dec 22nd- the Past week went to mill waggon & cart, with Cotton to Pack & Log to saw meal & flour Halled wood fixed stables striped Tobacco pt of 1 day covered Turnip Patch Hall out straw Cut in new ground nearly done little growth Killed Our Hogs wednesday or Thursday Rained one day nearly all day ——
23rd cloudy & likely for Rain or snow children gone to St. Andrews, —
24 Halling leaves & wood all day turned cold eveningin
25. Very cold this morning & clear ——— Sold Lady Jane to A W Worsham for $17.50. pr Bond Due in 12 mos from this day — — Sometime about 10th or15th Dec Inst & bot a Horse colt of John Danl Coleman for $20. payable in 12 months from Date of Bond. -
30 Christmas has been cold & cloudy Yesterday cutting little growth in new ground & Halling wood clouded up & in the evening it began to Hail & Hailed & snowed 4 DeepInches
31 cleared off this morning snow 4 Inches Deep, striping Tobacco — striped 63 sticks Lugs 36 sticks short & 11 good in middle Barn
1850 Jany 1st clear this morning & cold. striping Tobacco in prize Barn
2nd Halled wood & washed & shelled corn cloudy & snowed a little -
3rd still cloudy, weather moderate. striping Tobacco in prize Barn