Diary of Jeremiah White Graves, Volume 2, Book 13



April 30, 1860 - May 11, 1860
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April 30, 1860 - May 11, 1860

1860 April 30th Planted Cotton water mellons Simblings cucumbers Egyptian wheat & Broom Corn seed & fixed Land for Irish Potatoes.- Mrs Hunt went to Court House to day & Nannie Clement with her & Rhoda

May 1st. Sent to work on Road to day Rained & they back by Twelve Oclock & we went to striping Tobacco & Will finish what we had down

2nd went to work on road again & it rained & stoped them, Halled 4 Loads wood & then making Brooms & Spining Rained. I went to Aspen Grove they were prizing Tobacco & doing but little Found Federick very sick, & left him so.

3rd Federick Died last night about 3 Oclock & Buried him this evening - finished working here to day claiborne went to aspen Grove to help Dig Grave, Halling leaves Bushing Oats, & Hilling etc etc — Mrs Hunt returned this evening from CH.

4th Halling out Trash out of new ground Rails & wood. Hilling Picking Plant Beds etc —

5. Planted Peas Irish Potatoes for Cate use & Coltering in new ground fine weather Mr Moses here on Saturday evening & Sallie

6th Left & went home, Robt Clifton of Mr Hunts Est Buried to day = Doron has been here for 2 days - Doct Steptoe attended on child that Died

7th Replanting Corn weeding Oats & coltering new ground nearly done 1 way -. Doron gone

8 Hilling & Coltering. Halling out manure

9th Halling manure Hilling in new ground

10. Raining, Halling,- Rails Planting greens Beets etc,- etc,- began to Plow Corn

11 Took down our Lugs here this morning & last evening began to Plow corn yesterday Cut our Calves & marked yearlings

Last edit over 3 years ago by fransalman
May 11, 1860 - May 18, 1860
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May 11, 1860 - May 18, 1860

11th May 1860 We cut Spayed & marked at aspen Grove yesterday & day before, my old Bull & 1 Calf. Mr Roach Cut Tom mule Cothran spayed 4 shoats & cut 1 Boar Marked all, Cut & marked Mr Bybee altered calf for me 8 Rams lambs Ewe Lambs

12. 7 not Cut,- cloudy damp weather Mrs Hunt Jaw hurts very much

12th Mrs Hunt did not rest well last night Weeding & Plowing Corn in fresh ground Sent Bob for Doct Thompson to see Mrs Hunt he came. - We Planted a little Tobacco last Thursday I went to meeting yesterday SS. Not many person about 5 or 6 members.

13th Mrs Hunt still very much compla[in]ing

14th Coltering in new ground & replanting Corn next to Capt Whiteheads, Nannie & myself went over to Mrs Hunts place & arrange for the sale of his property in the House

15th scattering Manure Plowing lot Replanting Corn, & Hilling in new ground Mr. Faris came here to do some little work yesterday Monday a little before 12 Oclock. & this morning Tuesday he is at work @ $1½ pr day sold 2 Hdds Tobacco sold by Clark & []

18th May 1860 vz pBill

Last edit over 3 years ago by fransalman
May 19, 1860 - May 23, 1860
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May 19, 1860 - May 23, 1860

Cash paid for sundries in Lynchg this 19th May 1860 — toll paid $1.25 Horse - 75 Expenses in Lynchg - 1.00 Candy & cakes — 62 cash paid T M Simpson prBill 1.38 Cash paid Jas M Cobbs prBill 11.13

Cash pd Armstead pBill 2.00 Cash pd. AB Rucker pBill in fall 73.37 to this day Jerrys Coat - 2.00_ Cash pd for Sundries at auction 3.25 I owe Wm A Miller for Guano & Salt pr. Bill here about $77 & owe AB Rucker for Bro Hunts Est about $52 is all that I owe in Lynchg – –

19th We have nearly planted all our Hills made here to day Bob helped yesterday & to day got some plants from aspen Grove. Lowry & Buck here Henry got back this evening & went on home with waggon, Rainy trip to Lynchg all the time ——

21st Bob came here to day weeding corn Bedding Tobacco Lot. Plowing corn I went to Court got back same night.

22nd Mr John P Faris Came here to work at 12 Oclock this day. we are weeding corn Hilled up Irish Potatoes by Kitchen fixing new ground for Tobacco,- Hilling etc

23rd Mr Faris at work & so is Bob, clear morning Hilling & Coltering in new ground, Plowing corn, have not wed much corn yet, To day is JD Hunts Sale of Household Furniture, not sold, on acct Gloomy times

Last edit over 3 years ago by fransalman
May 24, 1860 - May 31, 1860
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May 24, 1860 - May 31, 1860

24th May 1860. I went to Election, Saw Mr Pannill, he is quite bad off, from a Fall from his Horse coming from Court last Monday night — Capt Yate gotwas thrown Two [too] but did not get Hurt. Bob here this day at work. weeding Corn Plowing & coltering Corn, manured Our Plant Beds this morning Finished Tuesday I believe Hilling in new ground Damp weather Mrs Hunts still very much compla[in]ing

25. Rained Hard this morning striped Tobacco a while & then went to planting Tobacco & trying to get done Our Crop

26 I went to aspen Grove Plowing & weeding Corn to day - Fixed Clems House pulled down old House this morning Bob not here to day. Mrs Hunt still complaining - etc - Wm C Grasty here to day – – – –

27th Sunday Doct Thos Haley came to see Mrs Hunt to cure neuralgia, stayed till evening, & think she is not as bad off at night as usual Rained hard in the evening, claiborne went to Mr Moses

28 Mrs Hunt Rested tolerable last night & seems sick from the Physic this morning

29 Plowing Corn & weeding next to Capt Whiteheads Finished Plowing over there Doct Haley Came here to see Elvira, & amy sick too Doct Haley came second time to see Mrs Hunt,- Mr. Faris came between 1 & 2 oclock

30. weeding Corn Finished plowing next to Whiteheads Fixing waggon for Lynchg. Raining this evening a little

31st Rained very hard last night, I went down I went to aspen Grove to day

Last edit over 3 years ago by fransalman
May 31, 1860 - June 4, 1860
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May 31, 1860 - June 4, 1860

1860 May 31st Replanted Tobacco to day all over,- Thinning corn & nearly finished that going to Plowing this evening, Elvira & Amy very sick with dissentary Sent for Doct Thompson yesterday & this evening again

June 1st Halled Brick for Dining room floor this morning & Lathes to lath Dining room. Fair & clear to day - Bob has been here all this week, weeding corn next to Capt Whiteheads., Mrs Hunt rested tolerable last night, this morning very bad off indeed Mr Faris here yet put up mantle in Dining room this morning - fair & clear weather Mrs Lucy A Clement has been sick about 10 or 12 days & Died to day about 2 Oclock, with congestion in Bowels so I hear - nanny went up there to day

2nd I went to aspen Grove sheared sheep Killed One Lamb Mrs Clements buried today. Amy my little negroe Daughter of Clementina Died to day with bowel Complaint Elvira very Sick. Doct Martin was here & went to see them both. said he did not consider them dangerous

3rd Amy Buried to day Elvira very sick yet Doct Thompson came to day, Mrs Coleman Mr & Mrs Hargrave Come here to day Rained this evening. Mrs Hunt is very bad off yet. - quite sick all day to day -

4th June Bob here, John Came to fix Dining room, Mrs Hargrave staied last night with her Ma, Mrs Coleman here yesterday cloudy & Rainy this morning, Henry Halling up leaves in stables, - etc - working Sweet Potatoes Peas Cotton & Corn Henry & Harry Plowing in corn in Lot; my Horse Lame for several days. -

Last edit over 3 years ago by fransalman
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