Jun3 13, 1861 - June 21, 1861
1861 June 13th This is a fast day recommended by President Davis & we all expect to go to meeting to day at Strait Stone meeting House - fine weather went & great many poeple attended black & white Capt Geo. Gilbert Died yesterday & his wife Died this morning at 6 Oclock both very old people, members of S. S. Church
14th Sent Henry to aspen Grove for Lambs filling up Hhds Lugs Plowing corn, & Hilling Lot for Tobacco to day I am going down to see Bro. Gilbert & wife buried expect to fix Carriage Door & fix for Laying floor Capt G & wife both buried in one Grave –
15. went to meeting to Parade & mustering volunteers Chumney gone too Plowing & Hilling up Lot & began to weed down Tobacco in Piney old Field.
16th Jerry came down, Prayer meeting at Bro. Hunts place
17th Filling up Hhd Lugs, weeding down Tobacco sent Henry to Plantation to Carry roadwaggon (to mend) to shop [lost in margin] Carry a Log to Millers get meal & Plank & come home, - Sent 1 Bushel wheat for me to Millers & then Plowing corn choping on Ditches on Creek thinning corn down there etc etc
18th Plowing corn & cotton Sweet & Irish Potatoes Peas etc Plowed out Garden, weeding down old field Tobacco - I fixed racks in Carriage House etc Put in my Hhd of Lugs 140 lbs Lugs of my negro man Henrys - clear cool weather Henry went after waggon at yates & Got robbin shod before but cant start to Lynchg on acct of their work at Plantation, wheat nearly ripe & corn Grassy Brot wool & carry all from aspen Grove
20th Plowing on Creek Laying by Corn with Plow Halling Logs for Granary weeding Tobacco etc
21st Laying foundation of granary this morning washed wool Plowing on Creek halling Logs etc yesterday I was at Mr Hunts Place to have negroes clothes cut out by Mrs worsham
June 22, 1861 - July 2, 1861
22nd June 1861 Cloudy halling Granary Logs & finish Plowing on Creek, Sewing Peas down on Creek, Weding Tobacco in Piney old old field considerable excited excitement. War, War, & People does nothing but run about eat & Talk, & volunteering & going to War, War, this seems to be the theme da[in margin] old Mr Abram Neal Died 21st june 1861 — Weather very dry & Hot at this time got ½ our Tobacco here & at Plantation to Plant yet
23rd Choping corn on Creek & finished loaded waggon & started it for Lynchg 1 Hdd here & one Hhd from aspen grove made by Cothr[in margin] Mrs Coleman & children & Mrs Monroe here to night expect to chop out Peas & begin to Cut wheat tomorrow. etc etc. J W Graves
24h Cutting wheat began to day Rained in evening replanting tobacco & planted Lot J.W. Graves Esqr
25 Planting Tobacco in fresh ground
26 Rained again a little Took some Tobacco Cut some wheat to day - & Planted some
27 waggon got home about 12 Oclock Cutting wheat - etc sold Lugs 2 Hhds in Lynchg 2.25 from aspen Grove 250 here,-
28th Finished cutting wheat to day Plowing corn on Creek worked out Peas overseer ChumneyBob fixing Rafters for Granary to day -
29th Finished Plowing corn & choping on Creek began to lay by corn in corner by orchard Clem spining or sewing a day or Two, - Two weeks to
30th Fine Rain to day. — day [smeared words]
July 1st Planting Tobacco & expect to finish, Plowing corn then, at work on Granary – I am going to Chalk Level this morning – – Sent to mill from aspen Grove for us here 2 Barrels Corn & ½ Bbl for chumney –
2nd Plowing corn & weeding fresh ground Tobacco Sent claiborne & Harry to Plantation to help about Oats Finished planting Tobacco down there yesterday
July 2, 1861 - July 11, 1861
1861 July 2 Capt Mustains Company started to War yes =terday 1st July. very cool weather, Jerry lost his watch some one stoled it last Sunday at Chalk Level
3rd July I went to aspen Grove Sent claiborne & little Henry Cutting Oats, no rain yet of any consequence there, we are here laying by corn & weeding fresh ground Tobacco Sent Henry this morning after our meal at Whiteheads 4 Turns & 1 for overseer this morning, I am going to appraisement of Capt Gilberts property to day Finished weeding Second yrs Land Tobacco Plowing corn & choping - claiborne & Henry been at Plantation 2 days helping about Oats
5 Bob & claiborne rounding & jointing shingles Plowing choping in corn, thined sugar cane
[in margin]th I went to Court House with Mr Moses left my acct & Rects as Exer of Jno D Hunts Est. with Mr [in margin] Carter son to James Carter for settlement [Mr?] Banks gone did not get the acct he had to settle Replanting Tobacco in evening & went to Plantation to get Plants
[in margin]th clear day I went to Strait Stone in evening
[in margin]th I went to Plantation carried 1 colter for Bet [in margin] Oats all day, -
[in margin]th Finishing Cutting Oats this morning - & then hilling up Tobacco choping out corn Plowing etc Bob & claiborne rounding & Jointing shingles Hilling up Tobacco on road Plowing corn Cotton etc, Plowed up Turnip Patch to day I went to Fannies yesterday their crop in bad order Hogs on wheat they were thinning corn late enough for that work Rained yesterday evening - very warm weather
11th Finished hilling up Tobacco on Road, Plowed Cotton & Potatoes Hilling them up Plowing corn, fine rain again ground [faded] seasonable at aspen Grove & they are in the [Grass?] [faded] Gran nearly got possession, I have beento day there
July 11, 1861 - July 21, 1861
1861 Thursday 11th Hilling up Cotton & Prizing tobacco this evening. claiborne & Bob rounding & Jointing shingles
12th Plowing corn Prizing Tobacco & Hilling up Cotton, I went with Mrs Hunt to her old place
13th. Finished prizing Tobacco & Plowing & cleaning out Corn & give negroes Holiday - I went to meeting SS
14th clear day, cool weather indeed –
15 Sent all our hands this morning to aspen Grove to help work out Cotton & Tobacco except Bob & clem they worked in Tobacco here, charles went with me to CH to see his mama
16th this morning threatening to rain, ready to hall up wheat, Henry sick to day
17th Finished Halling up wheat out of Lot & part in fresh ground - Rained in evening
18 Finished Halling up wheat & Halled up some oats to day weeding Lot Tobacco Started Bob after Pride down at Mr Richards Claiborne gone to Mrs Fitzgeralds went after her steer yesterday at 12 oclock & up there this morning & will work there till Friday evening. We are weedingHilling updown Tobacco ground dry, weather cool, nights & morning made cow pen on roads by barn Started Bob this Thursday morning after Pride at Mr Richards –
19th Plowing & Hilling up Tobacco Claiborne Henry in House yet Bob gone to Charlotte after Pride I went to Plantation to day
20th Rained last night & this morning I was Patrolling till 2 oclock & Rained from then till sometime in morning Bob & Pride come in night to night replanted Tobacco this morning Plowing & Hilling up Tobacco fine growing weather now
21st Mr Bybee Chumney & myself went Patrolling caught 4 negroes 1 at Kelleys with a Pass, 1 Mr Hubbards Socky at JP Lewis s carried her to Doct Estes, give her ten lashes stayed at Prayer meeting, went to Mr Millers Plantation & to Mr
July 22, 1861 - July 28, 8161
E. G Lewis caught Jim & Jordan lashed them come on home gone about 7 Hours the other patrollers were to go up above agreeable to promise,-
[2]2nd Raining all day prized Tobacco, Mr Chumney shoe making Henry making a Basket Balance Picking Our wool Turned cooler - a little
[2]3rd Covered old Corn House to day working on Barn or Granary Halled 1 Load wood Halled out 2 Loads manure on Turnip Patch Plowed that went to Chalk Level got 1 Lock for Granary & 14 lbs nails
[2]4 Raised Granary clem spining all day, got hand from Mr Hunts place 1 from Hodnetts 1 from whitehead from my plantation James Kelley did not Send altho owes me 3 days work or more.-
25th Mr Chumney & Bob at work on Granary balance at work in Tobacco, Henry gone to Mr Millers with a Log for sheeting & then, Mrs Hunt went to Mrs Coleman with Mary Hunt & another hilling up Sweet Potatoesthis evening Henry carried one Log 14½ feet long had it sawed & brot home [in margin] pieces, nearly 12 & 14 Inches made a little upwards of 200 feet brot from Millers for granary After he come home he went to whiteheads & [?]32 feet sheeting from there,-
[2]6 finished stacking Oats put up Eight stacks here Cut pig & Turned in Pasture all in the pens except one & 1 pig to to Kill
[2]7 Finished working out old field Tobacco fixing Bridge at Spring, gathering clover seed chumbley gone to Chalk Level Henry gone to Millers Mill Carried 1 Log for sheeting & to get it & 2 Turns meal there for us. - went Patrolling last night none [in margin] but Chumbly & Bybee Raining a little & me returned, & are to go out Sunday morning
[2]8th Chumbly Bybee & myself Patroled yesterday from 10 Oclock in morning till 5 or 6 in evening going to a great many places finding all right, - the others done but little so Capt whitehead told me.