[Doctor visits: May 30 1861 - February 13, 1862; Stock list: June 4, 1861- January, 1862]



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1861 May 30 th The number of times I have sent
for Doctors not paid for to this day. Doct.
Wooding went to see Nancy for Bro Hunts Estate
& Charles Allen for Mr. Moseley's Estate my
children this year Doct Andrew W Thompson has
been at Bro. Hunts place to see Betsy once &
to my plantation to see Malissa once, & Doct
Perrowpaid has pd an account pd. agst Bro Hunts
Est for Nancy at Wallers last year 1860.
Sent this day for Doct Thompson for Jno
D Hunts Est. to see Gren sick =

Augt. 31 Doct. Wooding has been 5 or 6 times to see Ellis
Catherines child - 3 or 4 times man & child
gets worse. Died 1 st Sept. 1861 Ellis
Wooding has been here to see Rhoda & Sally
3 times & he gave Sally at old place &
recommended her to take bitters he also examined
old Billy-

16 th Doct. Wooding called here this day to see
Sally, as he was attending onBybee

1862Feby 13 th been Twice to see Mrs Hunt & put Bills
arm in place at Christmas, & overseer says nothas
been right, he hurt it to day & sent him up there today
Joe went after some tincture for his finger yesterday
Doct Wooding came here to see clem - he could not
Put Bills arm in place to day.

List of my Stock etc

1861 June 4th Gone all day, nearly day as 1862a
Police, after Austen Riely & got him carrd hime
to Wm Johns who bound him to piece.

1862 Jany 8 th. We have 2 old sows here & 3 young
ones 2 old ones & Black one young has 18 pigs 1 young
yearly Hog & 1 Boar & 1 stock Hog in pen making
in all 26 head here, We have at Aspen Grove
[obscured] Sows 3 of them has 19 Pigs. 1 in the woods got
[obscured] dont How many 16 Yearling Hogs there 2
[obscured] at house, 38 sheep in all 15 head
[obscured] 6 Mules. mth. Jenny 25 Geese
[obscured] yoke [sl] 3 Cows. 2 or 3 yearling
[obscured] Plantation May 1862

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