[Meat shipments: November 20, 1859 - August 5, 1860]



Status: Page Status Transcribed

Novr. 20 th Sent by Buck some Beef & some Bacon
Sandy & Fed. here at Shoemaking
30. Given Negroes at Plantation awfull of 3 Hogs & 2 Goats for this week
Decr 4 Given Negroes 1 Hoghead Livers Kidneys Mittsfor the week
12 Given Negroes 4 Livers Sweet Breads Kidneys
& 1 HhdHead for this week & sent by Buck
4½ Pork for Cothran balance due here
19 Given Negroes 3 Hogs heads 1 Liver & ps back bone
26 given negroes some Heads & orphal this week
Janry 2 nd Given Negroes 4 Hogsheads & 1 ps Bacon this week
7 Given Negoes meat by Jerry this week
15 Given them 13 lb meat shoulder & Jole

Date Note Amount
21 Sent by Pallison 11lb pounds -
28 Sent by Pallison 11 "
Feby 4 Sent by Pallison 12 "
11 Sent by Pallison 11 "
18 Sent by Pal - 10½
25 Sent by Pallison 11 -
Mar. 4 Sent by Pal - 12 "
11 Sent by Pal - 11 "
17 Sent by Do - 11
23 Sent or given out down there 11
30 Sent by Pal - 12
Aprl 7 Sent by Pal - 12
14 Sent by Pal - 12
22 Sent by Pal - 14
28 Sent by Buck 14
May 5. Sent by Pal 12
" 12 Sent by Pal 11
- 19 Sent by Henry 10
- 24 Sent by me 11
June 4 Sent by Pal 10
- 9 Sent by Pall - 10
16 Sent by Pal - 11
- 23 Sent by Do. 10
- 30 Sent by Do - 11
July 7 Sent by Do - 10
- 14 Sent by Do - 10
- 21 Sent by Do 10
-28 Sent by Do - 11
Augt 4 Sent by myself [remainder of line damaged]

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