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Memorandun of Things Bot & now this 22nd Dec 1857 33 1/2 Barrels good corn, cultery knife Hhds & Barrels, & Plank bot of Fayett Clement & 1 pot Rack 1 Manure Shovel, — Card from home this day Shucks Fodder, 1 Bedstead Bed & furniture, 1 Bureau, & Glass, broke, Hulling Hoe 1 Grubing [stod] 21 oven & skillet. 1 Bucket for water 1 HammHammer, some meat meal & flowers 3 pecks meal & 2 Gallons flour sent, = Claiborne carries his axe, 1 meal sifter, — 2 cups & saucers 2 plates 1 Dish 2 Knives & forks 1 salt cellar, — 2 Teaspoons 1 Table & cloth, 2 Towels = Sent 23rd Decr Coffee Pot & Some Sugar & cofee — & 1 Pad Lock by Jerry — Jacob carrd some butter —
1858 Janry 1st Sent the waggon after Overseer card to Jacob 1 axe 1 Plow Singletree & [cl???red] & pen shucks straw & some Fodder, some sugar coffee & 1 ps meat 10 lbs some nails little grind stone 1 Dutch Plow 1 Silt Plow Gear, some Cracklings, 1 Bushel wheat
Janry 12th Jacob got 1/2 cake Butter & 1 Bottle Honey — 15 lb or 20 lb Guano for Plant Bed — Janry 16th Sent this morning waggon to Hall to day 10 lb Meat. little bucket Lard, Shucks & fodder & tools charged —
Sept 27 Sent Lard Twice this Summer & Bacon several times to Cedar Hill
1863 Augt 8th wrote to Miss S. J. McCullock wrote to J H Graves Culpeper CH.
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1858 March 24th Took down our bacon made at home & put 21 pieces in Hhd in new house say 8 midlings 8 hams & 5 shoulders 6 joles & some other pieces in boxes in smoke house 1858 Aprl 14 Took bot meat put Barrel in new House 21 shoulders 8 & 1 ps of middlings in Barrel or Hhd in Smoke House 18 middlings. in Box 10 Whole Middlings & 2 ps, & 1 middling Hanging up
Dr. [Mg Landg] to me 1863 May 1 Balance for wheat 3/— —1 runlet W. B. in [C??] 8 ps Bacon 1 large Jug my own & 3 of Estate in S O & 1 Runlet Molasses & 1 [my] I gave to Henry Grain Sent to Millers Mill Feby 25th 1858
My own wheat 2 Bags | Sent for [Oursur] 2 1/2 Bushels |
brot back 238 lbs |
1 bag 2 |
29 Returned | Ought to come. 99 |
To Yates Mill 1 Bag 2 Bus | April 9th Sent for Overseer |
to come back. 399 lb | |
Aprl 9th Sent 4 Bushel Corn[ 81 - ??] | |
[?] |
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Jordan Lsandy + Lowz to balance
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Number of times sent for Doct J C. Thompson since 1st Jany 1857 Setttled up to that time & Rect given -
July 1st 1857 He has been 2 times to see Henry & I think he came to Jerry Smith once making I think 3 times to this day this year.
1858 Feby 9 come to see Pal, this & look for him again this 10 -- came making 2 times.
1859 March 30 Doct Thompson has been 3 times to see Lila - at this place Cedar Hill got some Calomel (& Pills for Rhoda) & some Cal[iamed?] Magnesia
April 14th went at night to see Kelly at Aspen Grove.
Been Once to see Sandys foot when[smelled?]
Oct 1859 came to see me once this month & Once in Decr or Novr. I wrote to him to go to Nancy Lewis's wife at Wallers.
1860 May 30th Sent for Doct Thompson to see Ed this day -- June 3rd Doct Thompson came again
1861 Jany 28th Sent for Doct A W Thompson to see Malissa & got some Blue Moss
Novr 14 Doct Wooding was called here to see Sally a day or Two & last night Came to her again making 2 times & I have got him to examine old Billy & Sally & gave Sally so[me] medicine; - one or Two visits over the[...]
Oct 2 & 3. Doct Perrow & Estes has been to see Jerry 3 times apieces - -
4 Doct Estes been this evening -
6th Doct Estes been to see Jerry 5 times -
8th Doct Perry here to day Jerry a[...]
Feby 10th Settled with Dr Estes up to the [...]
Visit to day to see Filly wh[...]
Sept Doct Estes & Mrs Stanley with [...]
Doct Estes here [...]
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1857 June