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The delay in issuing this important prose romance
has been due to the prolonged illness of its editor,
Mr. J. S. Westlake. Even now Mr. Westlake has not
been able to attend to the revision and publication
of the book. The collation with the manuscript has
been made for the Society by Miss E. M. Thompson,
the proofs have been read over by Mr. John Munro,
and a few changes have been made in the side-notes,
foot-notes and head-lines, which otherwise remain as
Mr. Westlake left them. The translations from the
Latin text which make good the lacunae in the manuscript have also been inserted by Mr. Westlake.

The Introduction, together with the Notes and Glossary,
are reserved for a future volume. Mr. Westlake's
elaborate side-notes provide, meanwhile, a useful epitome
of the story.

The Society is greatly indebted to the Dean and Chapter
of Lincoln for depositing the manuscript in the British
Museum, and to the Keeper of the Manuscripts, Mr. J. P.
Gilson, for receiving it there.

I. G.

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